Principal's Report

Principals Report
As mentioned in the previous newsletter, our school recently completed our External Validation process, the results for our school were outstanding.
Part of the process of external validation is to develop the next steps for the school. The next steps for Boambee Public School are:
1. Curriculum With a new curriculum being implemented it was logical for us to identify this as a focus area.
Through our Professional Learning Community (PLC) we will focus on improvement in mathematics teaching, learning and assessment practices. We have developed new scope and sequences and “Statements of Delivery" with a numeracy focus. We have also scheduled classroom observations linked to elements of balanced numeracy including formative flexible assessment through the lens of the new curriculum.
2. Community Engagement in Learning
We will have a continued focus on community engagement in learning by assisting parents to extend their children’s learning at home.
Our discussions about student learning goals in interviews using the assessment rubrics are very purposeful. We want our families to be discussing learning at home, and for our students to be excited about their progress.
Recently we have purchased subscriptions to Story Box and Mathletics to provide our students with opportunities to extend their learning at home. Students have access to these programs, and this will provide parents with a meaningful option for learning at home.
If you are struggling with minimising screen time - which many parents are, instead of trying to stop this completely, we encourage you to consider a productive alternative by allowing your students on to do some Mathletics or read in Story Box, and limiting this time to 20-30 minutes. If a child spends this time over the course of the year learning, you have provided them with more opportunity for success at school.
Arrival Times
There have been a few students recently arriving at school very early. Please be aware that starting time for supervision at school is 8:20 and any student who is here before that time is not supervised.
High School Choices
I have had a number of parents communicate concerns with high school choices. It is a difficult time for families and it seems that many people may be being pressured to make significant and unnecessary changes to their children's education. If you have uncertainty about your children's options for the future, I strongly encourage you to give me a call. I assure you, that I am more than happy to spend time speaking with families to share my observations and knowledge in this area.
Mother's Day Breakfast
Sincere thanks to everyone who joined us for our Mother's Day breakfast, it was such a joy to see all of our families together to celebrate this very special day. Thanks to all the staff for the time you put into making sure this was a success!
Principal Awards
Congratulations to the following students who received a Principal Award at Friday's assembly.
Hugo Wyndham - 3P
Engaging in various Mathletics learning tasks at home every week.
Tessa Wiseman - KH
Tessa is consistently a kind, caring and friendly class member. She is an encouraging friend and is always happy to help others when it is required.
Indi Vine- 6G
Indi shows outstanding care for her schoolmates.
Lacey Sticker - 2B
Lacey has made excellent growth in her number skills to achieve her multiplication goals.
Jack Baldwin - 2H
For always giving 110% effort even when a task is challenging.
Evelyn Cormick - 2H
For her outstanding attitude towards all aspects of school.
Declaration for Child Related Work
It is a Child Protection requirement that the school gets all volunteers to complete the attached form. If you volunteer at the school please either print the applicable form below or call into the office for a hard copy. Your assistance with this very important matter is greatly appreciated.