Principal's Report
Jane Briffa | Principal
Principal's Report
Jane Briffa | Principal
Dear Skye Families,
Welcome to this fortnight's newsletter, which seems to come around exceptionally quickly at the moment. I had the pleasure of attending camp with Year 6 last week at Waratah Bay. I am so proud of this group of leaders in our school. They showed remarkable grit and determination with all of the activities, even the climbing wall which was actually really pretty high. They all came with a 'have a go' attitude, even if it meant overcoming their fear of heights. They tried food that they may not have normally eaten (like the cauliflower cheese or the salad on their bread rolls) and they had impeccable manners. Best of all they had fun and built new connections with others that they might not normally socialise with back at school. I am so grateful that I got to share this experience with them. There is a lot of work behind the scenes to ensure that camps run smoothly. I would like to thank the Year 6 teachers for their excellent planning and preparation. I would also like to thank Mr Taberner, Mr J and our ES staff, Tanja and Carly, for taking time away from their own families to provide this experience for our students.
I have had a number of meetings this week with Vic Roads and Frankston Council about the road works and increasing traffic issues around the school. Vic Roads will be issuing us with lots of information in coming months as we prepare for the Ballarto Road upgrades to commence at our end of the road. It is going to have significant issues for us with long road closures and one way traffic. Please keep an eye out for all information as it comes out later this year. The works are expected to begin early next year although they did mention that they are currently ahead of schedule. I have noticed a few cars stopping in the 'no standing' zones at the front of the school. Please be mindful that you are risking being fined, as happened last year to a number of our families.
Next week is National Reconciliation Week, a time for all Australians to learn about our shared histories, cultures and achievements and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia to create a respectful society that honours our Indigenous population. Respect is a core value here at Skye Primary and it underpins who we are as a community. Reconcilation Week is a timely reminder that we as adults have a duty to ensure that we are preparing our children to be kind, tolerant and respectful members of their future society. We thank you for your support in modelling respect and kindness at all times...even when you might be feeling frustrated in the school carpark!
Wishing you all a great fortnight ahead!
Jane Briffa (Principal)