Careers News

Compass Career News
Here's a summary of the latest Career News updates with the full Careers Newsletter below.
Items in the 19 May 2023 Career News –
- Dates to Diarise in Term 2
- RMIT Early Offer Scheme
- News from Swinburne University
- New Cyber Security Double Degrees at Swinburne
- Environment & Sustainability at Swinburne
- Monash University Business Explorer Program 2023
- News from RMIT University
- Tech & Trades Experience Day
- Bachelor of Space Science at RMIT
- What is a Paralegal?
- WEP Students Exchange Events 2023
- Future of Jobs 2023 - World Economic Forum
- Human Resources Courses in Victoria in 2023
- Snapshot of James Cook University (JCU) in 2023
National Careers Week 2023
National Careers Week (NCW) is an initiative of the Career Industry Council of Australia (CICA) to celebrate careers, career development, career development services, and career development practitioners and to promote the economic, social and personal benefits of career development. Career development is a process of managing learning, work and leisure to progress through life. It includes gaining and using the skills and knowledge needed to plan and make informed decisions about education, training, and work. Everyday decisions and priorities affect career development. Ultimately, career development is about much more than jobs – it is about how to live your life. To find out more about Career Development and how parents/carers play an important role in their child’s career choices, visit the below links to information sheets provided by CICA as part of NCW 2023. Parents/carers are also encouraged to check out these NCW on-demand webinars.
JMC Academy May Open Day
Melbourne – Saturday 27 May at 10am or 12:30pm
JMC is the Academy of Creativity with courses in music, animation, visual & game design, film & TV production and acting. Their upcoming Open day s is your chance to see JMC’s multi-million dollar world-class facilities and find out more about their courses and global industry connections. Register here for this free on-campus event to:
- Tour JMC’s world-class facilities and tech
- Explore your creative future in hands-on workshops
- Meet JMC current students and industry expert lecturers
- Check out live student performances
- See creativity come to life with course demonstrations
- Build your creative network
AIE Online Campus Day
Saturday 27 May at 1pm
Discover the courses designed to get you started in game development, 3D animation, film and visual effects at the upcoming AIE Online Campus Day. AIE will be running this event for students interested in studying online. You will be able to meet AIE teachers, explore how classes will run, course options, career pathways and see current AIE student work. Register here to join the livestream to find out everything you need to know about the:
- careers in games and VFX that AIE train students for;
- studios and industries that AIE work with;
- courses AIE offer – from beginners to professional mastery, and;
- the software, skills and knowledge AIE teach.
University of Sydney webinar: Life of a Veterinarian
Wednesday 31 May at 4pm
The University of Sydney leads in veterinary education, animal science and research. Join this online session with Dr Katrina Bosward from the Sydney School of Veterinary Science to discover what studying veterinary medicine involves, what an average day for a veterinarian is like and how you can pursue studies towards becoming a vet. Register here.
Managing career uncertainty and anxiety: the power of career conversations – a webinar for parents and carers
Wednesday 7 June at 5.30pm
Career uncertainty has been defined as the inability, as a teenager, to articulate a career ambition or occupational expectation for adult life. As transitions from school to further education, training or work have become more unpredictable, and employment markets more competitive and fluid, career uncertainty in young people, both in Australia and internationally, is increasingly common. In this webinar, Dr Jo Gleeson (Monash University), lead author of the forthcoming myfuture Insights Paper ‘Managing career uncertainty and anxiety: the power of career conversations’, will talk about the findings of her research in this area, and share a questionnaire that can help you to facilitate career conversations with your child. Register here.
University of Melbourne’s ComputeFest 2023
Saturday 24 June, 11am to 5pm
ComputeFest is one of the biggest events for high school students hosted by the Computing and Information Systems Student Association (CISSA) at the University of Melbourne. What will be included in the 2023 ComputeFest can be found below. Year 10-12 students are invited to this in-person event on Saturday 24 June and students must register herebefore Friday 16 June to secure a place. Students who register will receive an email a week before with the location, agenda, and other workshop information.
- Seminar 1: Industry Panel + Diversity in the Technology Field
- Hands-on Workshop: An introduction to coding
- Workshop 1 - Beginner
- Workshop 2 - Intermediate*
- Seminar 2: Course Options + A day in the life of a UoM Computer Science Student
*Students with a prior coding background are encouraged to attend the Intermediate Workshop, but can choose to join the Beginner Workshop if they find the content to be difficult.
Clarissa Jacques RPCDP
Careers & Pathways Coordinator