PE/Sport & House News

The latest updates in Physical Education and Sport

House Cross Country

Congratulations to the winning house: Cuthbert! The final scores were:

District Cross Country

Following on from the House Cross Country, we had 60 students qualify for the District competition. This was held last week at Quambee Reserve.

Our students ran incredibly well with a final result of 3rd place out of 10 schools!

Thanks to Beck, Andy and Alison for supporting the team.

Congratulations to the following students who will compete at Division competition next week: Milla M, Ethan S, Will R, Tasma M, Marco DG, Maya S and Elaina S. Such an awesome achievement! Good luck!

House Spirit Activities

Our House Spirit activities have continued with a colouring in competition and Spirit Day activities over the last couple of weeks. Thanks Beck and the Leaders for your hard work! Here is an update on the scores:

Keep Active!

Caeleigh Osborne

PE/Sport Coordinator