
Performing Arts Production
This week sees the culmination of all the hard work our Performing Arts cast and crew have put into Shakespeare in Love. I have no doubt that this will be an outstanding production and take this opportunity to thank the boys, Ms Duff, Mr Phillipson, Mrs Fisicaro, Ms Benham, Mrs Doonan, Mr Daniel Freere and Mrs Ovijach for their time and effort to bring this drama to the stage. I would also like to acknowledge all the supporters who have assisted in numerous ways and look forward to seeing large audiences in attendance.
Supporters’ Duty
A reminder that Years 9 and 10 have been designated Supporters’ Duty on Saturday 3 June. All boys are to report to the Powell Pavilion between 1:00 PM and 1:15 PM dressed in correct College sporting attire or Winter College uniform and have their names marked off. Once this has been completed, boys will move to SPC No. 3 to support the College First XI and await further instructions. Boys will be dismissed from Breen Oval at the conclusion of the First XV game; approximate time is 4:50 PM.
Boys who are representing St Patrick’s in College fixtures played later in the day are to seek out their respective Year Coordinator upon arrival. These students will inform their Year Coordinator of what team they played in, the location of the fixture and the start time.
Steven Fochesato
Director of Co-curricular