
Year 11 Parent/Teacher Interviews and Student Academic Reports
By this Friday 2 June, the Semester 1 Reports on students of Year 11 will be posted online for parents via the TASS Parent Lounge.
The purpose of the reports is to provide parents/carers with mid-Preliminary HSC course feedback on the academic progress of their sons and how they have settled into the routine of senior study.
It is worth noting a few key features of the reports include:
- Completed Co-curricular participation thus far.
- Attendance up to and including Friday 19 May, including attendance to key College events such as the Opening Mass, Swimming Carnival, Athletics Carnival, and the Year 11 Retreat Day.
- The Homeroom Teacher’s Pastoral Profile which describes the student’s general school and homeroom practices associated with grooming and uniform, co-operation, manner, punctuality, responsibility, and contribution to Mission. These profile elements are described as Consistently, Usually, Occasionally or Rarely.
- The student’s academic achievement in each course over the first semester which include the Assessment Block Mark or Assessment Mark, Assessment Block Rank or Assessment Rank and Course Rank, as applicable.
- The Class Teacher’s report on the student’s level of achievement in key Learning Areas of the course associated with the knowledge and understanding of content and the application of acquired skills. Achievement in Learning Areas are indicated as Excellent, Good, Satisfactory, Elementary, or Limited.
- The Class Teacher’s report on the student’s Learning Practices associated with the student’s application, commitment, conduct, enthusiasm, and responsibility associated with his classwork and study. These Learning Practices are described as Consistently, Usually, Occasionally or Rarely.
The upcoming Parent/Teacher interviews on Monday 5 June are an opportunity for parents/carers to meet their sons’ teachers and to discuss aspects of the Semester 1 Report with respect to their sons’ progress and adjustment to study routines, including strategies and recommendations for improvement over Semester 2 in preparing for the final Year 11 examinations commencing Monday 28 August and to make the necessary adjustments and effort in preparation for a very demanding HSC year ahead in 2024.
As I mentioned in the Wednesday 10 May issue of the Especean, online bookings for interviews via the TASS Parent Lounge will close at 5:30 PM, Friday 2 June and parents/carers are to book interview time slots themselves. The College will not be allocating interview times. For parents/carers encountering difficulties logging on to the TASS Parent Lounge, please contact the College’s IT Department via College Reception on 02 9763 1000.
Just a reminder that all interviews will be conducted on site and are for seven minutes only. There is a three-minute break between each interview to allow the interviews to run smoothly. Please note that parents/carers cannot double book a teacher for a longer interview. Should more interview time be required, parents/carers may arrange with the teacher another mutually suitable time.
Michael Cutrupi
Director of Curriculum