Assistant Principal's Report

This week’s e-safe topic: How to Set Up Parental Controls for iPhone and Android

The links below take parents to fact sheets which outline step-by-step, how to set up parental controls for iPhone and Android devices. The settings on an Android device allow you to prescribe certain rules for when your child is using it. The parental controls on iPhones allow you to block or restrict certain apps, features, content, downloads, or purchases. 

Here is some further information from a trusted source:

Hair and Headlice

Female and male students with hair that is longer than shoulder length must have their hair tied back whilst at school. This requirement is part of our ongoing management of headlice and as a safety precaution. Headlice can take-off in classrooms very quickly and it's never a nice experience for the student when hair gets caught and tangled in play equipment. 

Thank you for supporting this at home. 

Lollies at School

We have noticed recently an increase in students bringing lollies and other confectionery to school. Consistent with our Food Policy, we request that students not bring confectionery or drinks with a high sugar content to school. Confectionery is classified as a 'Red' food under the healthy eating traffic light system and as a school, we will look for opportunities throughout the year for students to have 'Red' foods as part of a special event or celebration. We request that families don't allow confectionery or sugary drinks to come to school outside of these special events. Students with high levels of sugar in their system make engagement and concentration very difficult for them in the classroom.