
In Art, students have been further exploring the theme of "Paper" and exploring different ways to use it to create artworks.

F/1/2 students have created sunflowers in response to Van Gogh's Sunflower artwork - students used a variety of materials to create their vases of sunflowers.

3/4 & 5/6 students have been exploring landscapes and using pencils, grey leads and pastels to create landscapes (either coastal, city, mountains or bush). They look amazing and I am very proud of the effort that students have put into each of their artworks. These will be on display at our Specialist Showcase later in the year. 








In Science, we have been exploring Physical Science.

As part of our Open Day, students worked on themed tasks to show our Science learning.

Grade 5/6 students created stained glass window crosses, which are on display at the bottom of the ampitheatre.  These reflected their theme of "light" and how some objects are transparent and others are opaque. 

Grade 3/4 students created their own mini videos of examples of gravity. Students were able to select a range of materials and test the gravity of these objects when moved or thrown from different heights. 

F/1/2 students created musical straws - which was quite a feat with ensuring that the cuts were in the correct spots! Students had lots of fun trying to make noises with their straws and this will definitely be practiced lots over the next few weeks in our Science lessons.