Principals Message






The following poem was written by Christine Jacobs, an aboriginal woman and one of the ‘stolen generation’. 


“Reconciliation is what Australia really needs,

No racists, grudges and hateful greed

No more feeling bitter for events from the past.

We should pull together or these problems will last.

Why all the hatred and blaming each other?

We should love each other like a sister or brother.

We can’t keep blaming the people of today for events from history, it wasn’t their way.

Why should today’s people keep saying ‘sorry’? 

It hasn’t done much good, which is quite a worry.

Reconciliation is what we all must do,

Where we can give out love and receive it too.

Blacks should love whites and whites should love blacks,

Get rid of the prejudice and don’t invite it back.

For God made us all exactly as we are

We should all love each other, it’s not that hard.

Blacks should be proud of the race we are,

Not let thigs from history leave a huge scar.

Forgive the past and try and move on

Just give out love from God’s Kingdom”


Christine Jacobs was knocked down by a car and killed just days before she was to speak at the launch of Australia’s National Day of Healing in 2005.

FOR A CHANGE:working together building trust. BETA Vol 18 No 4, 2025


This year the theme for Reconciliation Week is “Be a Voice for Generations: Act today for a reconciled tomorrow.  This theme encourages all Australians to be a voice for reconciliation in tangible ways in our everyday lives – where we live, work and socialise. 

For the work of generations past and the benefit of generations future, act today for a more just, equitable and reconciled country for all.


Pentecost Sunday

This coming Sunday is Pentecost Sunday in the Church.

Pentecost marks the Church’s birthday. Pentecost took 

place 50 days after the Resurrection when Jesus rose 

from the dead. The Acts 2:1-42 tells how the early 

followers of Christ came together on Pentecost.  Today 

Pentecost Sunday is a celebration of the coming of the 

Holy Spirit. 


Open day

Our Open day was supported by 11 families.  Our students were excited to show their work to those who attended. 


We thank them for their attendance and we thank Katrina Ogden, Melissa French and Sharon Gleeson for cooking the BBQ. 

Currently we have 6 possible foundation students for 2023 all who are siblings of current students.  If you know of any family who are still deciding on their education option for their child please encourage them to come to St Mary’s to see our school in action.



A size 16 school windbreaker jacket is missing.  Please check your children’s jackets.



Our students visit the Rushworth Community Hours each Monday to do craft with the residents of the Waranga Aged Care Facility. This has been a very positive community partnership. 



Our new Fire Carriers will be commissioned on Thursday June 1st.  Our grade 5 students have written a letter to me stating the reasons why they want to be a Fire Carrier and how they will support our school to understand the Aboriginal Culture. 



I will be on leave from Thursday May 25 until Wednesday May 30.

Mrs Angela Brockett will be on leave from June 2 until June 23.  Mrs Brockett is traveling to Chicago USA to complete study at the Catholic Theological Union, Chicago.  Mr Cameron Salmon will teach 5/6 during Mrs Brockett’s leave.

Mrs Bianca Brook will be on leave from July 10 until July 14 as she is travelling to Europe for her belated honeymoon. Mr Cameron Salmon will teach 3/4BB during that week.



Thursday May 25 and Friday May 26-Mrs Brook will be attending her Accreditation. Mr Cameron Salmon will teach 3/4BB 

Friday May 26 - Mrs Parry will be at the MAV Regional Mathematics Conference- Ms Smith will teach F/1/2



Throughout 2023, we will be working closely with The Resilience Project to support the wellbeing of our school community. 

The Resilience Project delivers emotionally engaging programs and provides evidence-based, practical strategies to build resilience.

Our Partnership Program consists of online presentations and weekly lessons for students, professional development for staff, and Parent & Carer Hub (inc. digital presentations) for our parent and carer community. 

This program is an important part of our school’s effort to look after the mental health of our community.

View the first presentation of the series here:

Part 1: Meet Hugh and learn about The Resilience Project -











Catherine Fraser