Sustainability Corner

As the winter chills set in and energy prices remain high we wanted to share some top tips on how Ripper families can keep gas and power bills down.  


With World Environment Day coming up on the 5th June these might also be ways to help reduce your footprint on Mother Earth!

  1. Set your heating to 18 – 20 degrees: Every degree higher than this temperature can add around 15% to a gas bill.  Also consider shutting the door to areas you aren't using and only heat the rooms you're using to save energy and cost.  Close curtains and blinds to keep the warm air in and reduce heat loss through your windows when there’s no winter sunshine!
  2. Fit draught seals to window and door openings:  You can find a range of seals at your local hardware store.  There is also a list of weather sealing contractors & incentives at the following vic government website.
  3. Turn off non-essential appliances at the switch: When not in use, turn non-essential appliances such as computers, televisions and entertainment systems off at their power points. Electronic devices can use up to 10% of your household's electricity on standby.
  4. Replace your old showerhead: Did you know that replacing your old showerhead with a more efficient one can save you around $160 yearly on energy and water bills?
  5. Insulate your roof: Effective ceiling insulation can save you up to 20% on your cooling and heating costs.

For a full list of tips please see this link.