Principal Team Message

Edition no: 7, 2023


The safety of our students is paramount for everyone across our school community, especially our staff. We continue to witness many students and families not using the pedestrian crossing to enter and exit our school grounds. Earlier this year there was a very serious incident at the end of Carrington Grove towards Furrneax Grove and we don't want something similar to happen again. A town planner and local residents have been lobbying Glen Eira Council to take serious action and address these safety issues. 


We remind parents/carers to abide by road rules and parking signs in Carrington Grove and together we will continue to remind our students to avoid crossing the street, especially at the dangerous intersection/blind spot near the senior playground double gate.  


To encourage more frequency in the use of the crossing, students will be able to enter and exit ANY GATE of the school that is most convenient. We kindly request parents keep the pathways free along Carrington Grove and continue to enter the school grounds to avoid congestion. 


Students with bikes/scooters/skateboards are reminded to exit safely and respectfully, especially when exiting in the afternoons with families and younger students.   



Do you all remember a time, when our school corridors were buzzing with students and parents all making their way inside our buildings and even our classrooms? This was referred to Ripponlea's Soft Start to School from 8:45 to 9:00 am. Our teachers have been discussing the opportunity to return to this lovely routine as we did pre-COVID. 


Commencing in Term 3, that is exactly what we are going to trial, but would like to remind our students and families regarding the expectations of a soft start routine. 


  1. Students may begin entering the school grounds/building only when the teachers on yard duty arrive at 8:45 am.
  2. Students may enter any gate they please even the Foundation gates and make their way directly to their classrooms. 
  3. Students can also remain to play outdoors supervised by our yard duty staff. 
  4. Students who wish to remain outdoors need to take their bags inside and come back outside. 
  5. Any family member can walk their child into class if they choose to do so. 
  6. For students experiencing separation anxiety, we encourage a quick goodbye or to maintain the current routine on the school grounds or just outside the classroom. 
  7. All teachers will be in their classrooms supervising students. 
  8. Students can begin some soft start activities provided by the teacher. These include changing take-home books, getting organised, setting up their desks, and practising any skills advised by their teacher.
  9. The music will play for students to pack up their soft start activity or to start making their way inside from play. A trip to get a drink or toilet first thing avoids interruptions to learning. 
  10. We would love to see parents and carers enter our classrooms and feel connected to our learning communities, but advise that this is not an opportunity to meet with the classroom teacher for any formal discussions about your child. These soft starts are designed to support student and teacher organisation, and preparations and help them ease into the start of the school day. 
  11. Please be mindful that some parents and carers across the school have communication plans in place that require a verbal exchange in the mornings, these are agreed upon in Student Support Group meetings and are not a formal discussion with a teacher.
  12. Parents and carers will be required to exit as soon as the music begins to play to enable the teachers to begin the first learning session of the day promptly at 9:00 am. 


Congratulations to the Ripoffs for an outstanding performance at this year's Battle of the Bands. They placed second overall with their sultry tones and rocked the house at the very end of the night. This competition was between many local schools and parents who proudly represent and show off their talents. Monies raised from the event go directly to each school's Performing Arts Program. Last year Mr G used the fund raised to purchase more musical instruments. 


We are extremely proud of our talented band members. 



Riponlea Primary School acknowledges and pays respect to the past, present and future Traditional Custodians and Elders of this nation and the continuation of cultural, spiritual and educational practices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.


Last Friday students across the school observed National Sorry Day, they learnt about the significance of this day, especially building awareness of the history and the continued effect of the forced removal of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people from their families, communities, and culture. 


This year’s National Reconciliation Week theme, Be a Voice for Generations, urges all Australians to use their power, their words and their actions to create a better, more just Australia for all of us. 


For the work of generations past, and for the benefit of generations future, let’s choose to create a more just, equitable and reconciled country for all. 


Reminder: Indigenous Cultural Day - Monday 5th


On our school grounds, we now have three flagpoles all representing the Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander and Australian flags. 




Despite the miserable weather conditions, we had a great turnout for our Working Bee last Sunday. Rain, hail or shine we were determined to clean up the school and by the end of the day the skip was filled with rubbish and waste. 


We managed to clean out the whole costume storage facility, ensuring we know all costumes we might need for the production. Rebecca V. was incredible leading this with her student helpers Olive, Millie, Aurora and Asher. 


Meanwhile, the Koor Garden and Productive Garden were weeded, mulched and watered by Ash G, Louise M, Lenka S, Julie P and student helpers. 


Across the school, there were many large jobs, including fallen leaves, refilling and cleaning the sandpit, weeding and sweeping.  The playgrounds, the front of the school and many other areas needed our attention. 


There are still so many jobs to complete. The most important is the removal of the olive trees near the Barrbunin. If any family wishes to take these trees and would be willing to pay for their removal or remove themselves, please contact the school office. 



A big thank you to our wonderful volunteers:


Natalie K 

Ash G

Lenka S

Julie P

Louise M

Louise K 

Rebecca V

Colin S

Nina E

Shane W

Jason V 

Ben D

Richard  H
















Thanks to Kate, our Business Manager, we have been extremely successful in securing termly government sporting grants for different year levels. Our Year 5/6 students had a portion of their surfing lessons funded and this term, our Foundation to Year 2 students are enjoying their gymnastics program fully funded and operated by Moving Monkeys. Next term we are delighted to have our Year 3/4 students participate in Taekwondo classes.  




To support children experiencing social difficulty we have trained one of our teachers to deliver the Social Stencil program to students in need. The program runs for 12-18 weeks and offers common vocabulary, shared concepts to navigate friendships and peer relations through a social-emotional curriculum. 


Social Stencil is an evidence-based program that teaches school-aged children and young adolescents the social information processing skills and strategies they need to develop friendships, manage conflict, to understand and regulate their emotions and behaviour and build life-shaping social skills. 


Informed by over 12 years of research, Social Stencil is the only known universal evidence-based program designed for Australian children that sequentially teaches Social Information Processing Skills (SIP: Crick & Dodge, 1994). 


Social Stencil Themes Include:


•  Listening Skills (Connected Listening)

 • Emotional Literacy and Emotional Intelligence

 • The Science of Anger 

• Working in Groups (social language and teamwork skills) 

• Friendship Styles 

• The Physics of Friendship 

• Understand Why Conflict Happens (The Drama Triangle) 

• Conflict Resolution Skills (Real-life Problem Solving, Assertiveness, Caring for Others and Strategy Check)


Teachers have identified students who would benefit from this program and families will be contacted privately to provide consent before participation begins. This is a weekly session with our trained teacher Ms Lucy Clover.



Over the last semester, our students have been working with Marty McGuaran on their digital safety and well-being. This term different year levels have been discussing how to balance screen time with outdoor play, how to build a healthy relationship with technology and the addictive nature of social media and games. 


Now is time for our families to come down to the school on Thursday 8th June at 7:00 pm and hear a presentation from Marty and Carly. 


We are not sure if families prefer this presentation to be virtual instead of live, so please let us know your preference and we will adjust accordingly.


Our registration link:


Until next fortnight.........


Natalie Rose             &                        Marta Campbell 

             Principal                                    Acting  Assistant Principal