Harleen, Isla, Anastasia and Nathan particpated in the 2023 Rotary District Model United Nations Assembly (MUNA) on the 21st & 22nd May.
They were commendable contributors participating with great energy, passion and really getting into the spirit of MUNA.
Competing as one of the 31 countries being represented from the various schools from across Victoria, they did a fabulous job representing their nominated countries as delegates (debating on issues of world peace, health, education and living standards), and as representatives of Brighton Secondary College and the Rotary Club of Brighton!
Anastasia & Nathan won the best dressed team/country for the 2023 Rotary District Model Untied Nations Assembly!
Student reflection:
Model UN 2023 was an incredible experience that we are all so grateful to have been a part of. The four of us were partnered up and allocated a country (New Zealand and Belarus), acting as delegates from our countries at a United Nations Assembly.
We got to debate interesting and oftentimes very political topics, including nuclear weapons, education, gender equality, global security, human rights, and many others. We got to make allies and agreements, sent diplomatic notes to other countries, and heard "Point of order - slander!" called out every few minutes when delegates would inevitably say something other countries were not particularly happy with.
Overall, we got a lot out of Model UN, both in terms of learning about the inner workings of the UN and global politics, but also lots of incredible friends!
Thank you to Brighton Rotary and our school for giving us this amazing opportunity.
Anastasia, Harleen, Nathan and Isla