Principal's Report

Respect, Creativity, Endeavour, Friendliness, Honesty, Trust

Principal’s Message

Fair & Art Show Follow-Up

While our Fair and Art Show are primarily about community engagement and celebration, obviously the bonus of both is some vital fundraising for our school.

I am delighted to announce that both 2022 events have raised very healthy amounts of money that will be put towards very worthwhile projects.

The Art Show has finished with a profit in excess of $8,500, which goes towards funding our Artist in Residence Program and wider art program. This year our Artist in Residence will be working with students to produce ceramic creations linked to student well-being. Our brilliant Art Specialist, Katrina Cassidy, is currently preparing for this program to get under way shortly.

Our Fair afternoon and evening has also resulted in a tremendous financial result, with more than $35,000 profit from the day. After exploring various ideas for utilising this fantastic sum, School Council are currently considering a range of proposals from Solar Panel companies - with a view to not only reducing our Carbon Footprint but also reduce our rising electricity bills.

Overall, more than $43,000 of fundraising in less than 24 hours is a remarkable achievement for our humble community. It goes without saying that we owe a debt of gratitude to each and every committee member and volunteer for your tireless efforts, but we are also grateful to everyone who contributed financially to the success of both events.

Thanks and congratulations Team Robbie Mac!

Riversdale Principal Conference

I am writing the newsletter this week at the end of day one of the annual two-day Riversdale Network Principal Conference. Our program this year has been focused in a number of directions, encompassing wellbeing approaches from Dr Tom Brunzell of Berry Street, the Big Ideas of Number from Dr Di Siemon, Community Building strategies from Dr Kelly-Ann Allen and looking at how demographic trends influence education with Simon Kuestenmacher.

Our thanks to Sonia Robinson and our leadership teams for steering the ship in the absence of Stephen Roche and myself.

Mothers and Special Women Celebration

Wednesday morning saw an excellent turn-out for our morning coffee and open classrooms for our mums, grandmothers and special women. Thank you to Noel Jones for providing the coffee cart and to Carolyn from the PFA for organising the card making activity. Thanks also to our teachers for opening your classrooms and providing engaging activities for both students and visitors to get stuck into! 








Peter Watson
