Principal's Report

Education Week

Education Week is an annual celebration of education in Victoria. This year Victoria celebrated Education Week this week and at Monash each classroom picked an activity to celebrate the theme of Active Learners: Move, Make, Motivate’, which celebrates physical activity, hands-on learning and student voice in education. We also had a whole school Sports Day.


Whole School Sports Day

The whole school sports day held yesterday was a great success! The students’ enthusiasm and sportsmanship were truly inspiring. I was very proud to see everyone come together to support each other so that we all could help others succeed and do our best on the day. Congratulations to Biik House (Red House) for earning the most points on the day. Biik House will take a proud spot on the ‘Brian Jeanes Sports Shield’ this year. 



Our Student Representative Council has commenced our annual Foodbank Drive for 2023! The food drive will run from Wednesday 10th of May 2023 until Friday 16th of June 2023. The SRC will collect donations from students every Tuesday afternoon during this time period or alternatively donations can be placed in the purple foodbank box in the school’s front office.


The items donated through food drives are sorted and packed into mixed grocery hampers. These hampers assist thousands of Victorian families and individuals each year.


Thank you for all your support so far! 



I would like to extend a very warm welcome to Amanda Wood to our teaching team in Group 11. Amanda’s expertise and passion for teaching will be a valuable addition to our school. We are excited to be making progress in our staffing efforts, and we look forward to continuing to build a strong team.

