
Communicating with the Foundation Team
We look forward to partnering with you in 2022, and welcome your input:
Holly Peters
Lisa Dam
Throughout Term 3, we have been continuing to develop our number sense. We have learned more about place value and the value of each digit in a number. They partitioned double digit numbers into groups of tens and ones through a variety of engaging place value games and created place value monsters.
Students explored the concept of money and investigated all the different features of Australian coins and notes. They participated in a range of activities to develop their understanding of the value and size of each coin.
The Foundation students learned all about analogue and digital clocks and their purpose. They learned about the minute and hour hands and how to tell the time on the hour.
Through a variety of hands-on engaging activities, students learnt to use balance scales to assist them when using different materials to compare and measure the weight of objects.
On Wednesday 31st September, the Foundation students went on their very first excursion. The children excitedly boarded the bus and travelled to Como House and Gardens.
The students had an amazing time exploring the house and gardens and the excursion provided the opportunity for students to compare the life of 19th Century children and families to their own experiences. When we arrived we had a snack and then we were put into four groups for our different activities.
They students played a variety of olden day games including sack races, quoits, croquet and egg and spoon races.
They explored the historical Como House which gave them an insight into what life was like in the 19th century. They even danced in the ballroom!
The students experienced what life was like as a maid at Como House and hand washed clothes using a washboard and a wringer! They listened to a variety of bells to determine which room they were required to wait on and practiced walking with silver trays of drinks.
Thank you to all the parents who volunteered their time to come along and help us for the day, we really appreciate your support!
Last week the Foundation students celebrated their 100 Days of School! All week the students focused on and learnt all about the number 100. In classroom learning activities, students practised counting to 100 and skip counting by 10’s to get to 100 and beyond.
On Friday, they consolidated this knowledge by completing a variety of 100 themed activities with a focus on counting and skip counting. The day was a huge success and the students had a fun day learning all about the number 100!
The students painted 10 dots in 10 groups to get to 100. Students completed a 100 themed booklet containing a variety of 100 themed activities. Head bands were constructed to represent the number 100 and students wrote about what they might be doing when they are 100 years old.
The student’s dressed up in ‘100’ themed attire to help celebrate the day. They looked AMAZING! We had many creative outfits including a variety of 100 year old’s and 100 themed outfits. What a fantastic day it was! The students were very excited to FINALLY celebrate their 100 days of learning!
Thank you to all the dads that came along to our Father's Day afternoon!
Each year across Australia, The Children’s Book Council brings children and books together to celebrate Australian children’s literature through Book Week. This year’s theme for Book Week was ‘Dreaming with Eyes Open’. We celebrated Book Week at Upwey South Primary last week. It was amazing to see the Foundation students' love of reading and the outstanding effort that families put into their costumes. We had a fantastic day!
Show and Tell Term 4
Show and Tell will continue in Term 4. Here is the focus for each week.
Thank you for your wonderful support throughout the year, we have such an amazing community here at Upwey South!
We hope you all have a fantastic break and we will see you in Term 4!
Please see below for information regarding the days each grade has their Specialist classes.
*Please note - these times are subject to change during school-wide events (eg. swimming timetables)
FA | FB |
Library: Monday 10:30 Health & PE: Wednesday 10.30 Visual Arts: Thursday 10.30 Performing Arts: Thursday 11.30 Japanese: 9.20 (odd weeks) | Library: Monday 11:30 Health & PE: Wednesday 11.30 Visual Arts: Thursday 11.30 Performing Arts: Thursday 10.30 Japanese: 2.30 (odd weeks) |