Year Five/ Six

Communicating with the Year Five/Six Team
We look forward to partnering with you in 2022, and welcome your input:
Llewela Humphries (Class 56A)
Melissa Woollard (Class 56B)
Zoe Overdyk (Class 56C)
What will you find in this issue:
Mathematics Overview Term Three / Term Four dates and events / Camp reminders / Specialist Timetable
During this busy term, our Year Five / Six students have completed many successful units in the Mathematics Curriculum. Here is a brief overview:
- Decimals, Compare order and represent decimals / Order decimals on a Number line / Estimation and rounding / Adding and subtracting decimals / Connections and equivalence between fractions, decimals and percentages / Recognise the place value system
- Money and Financial planning: Order and comparing decimals / Financial plans / Budgeting for an event
- Location and Transformation: Grid references / X and Y axis language / NSEW / enlarging / Cartesian Planes / Battle ships / Plot drawings - all four quadrants.
- Chance: Dice games / Card games / Rock paper scissors lizard Spock - Big bang theory.
- Angles: Estimate / Measure / Compare
- Mathematical Investigations
The students have had extended time on many of these curriculum descriptors to ensure a sound understanding of the topics. This also allows the teachers to gather suitable data in Pre & Post tests to use for our end of year reporting.
Below are a couple of happy snaps of our students in Maths action.
Location and Transformation:
Moving into the second half of the term, saw our students investigate ROBOTICS. This involved Coding through their iPad's ( / scratch) extending into using and controlling both the Beebots and the Dash and Dots. Our students had fun with both, completing set tasks and enjoying whole class robotic games such as soccer, tag and hide and seek tag.
Here a few photos of the students engaging with the robots .
Fathers Day / Special Visitors afternoon.
Thank you to all our dad's and special visitors who attended our planned afternoon. The Year 5/6 cohort organised the massage centre, games and colouring in activities. It was a great afternoon welcoming our dads back into our classrooms.
Who doesn't love an occasion to dress up and have a bit of fun. Well done to all our students who thought creatively about their costume. Even the free dressed Muggles did the books justice.
Here are our classes all dressed with school to attend!
As communicated through a Compass post sent out on Monday 12th, the below dates were given to all our Five / Six families. Please be aware that more important date may be added as the term progresses
Important Dates:
Summer Sports: Thursday 6th October
Camp: Monday 17th - Thursday 20th October
Melbourne Cup Day Public Holiday: Tuesday 1st November
Curriculum Day: Friday 11th November
Volleyball Primary Schools Cup: Friday 18th November
Curriculum Day: Monday 28th November
End of Year Celebration: Friday 9th December. Activity to be confirmed
Government Schools Transition: Tuesday 13th December
Graduation: Thursday 15th December.Last Day of 2022: Tuesday 20th December
Curriculum Activities:
Health Talk: Friday 14th, Friday 21st and Friday 28th October.
Reflections: Scrap booking will begin in Week 4. Details will be sent out early Term 4 for parent helpers and student resources needed.
Buddies: Continue on a weekly basis.
Reading in Term Four: Our class reading focus is The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. The novel will be available online via our Google Classroom accounts for students to read, but if you have a copy at home this would be beneficial for your child to use during class sessions. We will also be viewing the movie later during the term as a compare and contrast activity.
School Leadership Speeches: Year Five students will be given time during class to prepare speeches for our 2023 School Leader positions. Information will be sent home during Term Four.
Year Six uniform 2023: Students will be given the opportunity to vote on their favourite design which will be on both the jumper and the polo shirt. Information regarding prices and ordering will be sent out in Term Four.
Camp Updates:
ALL students attending camp are required by DET to complete an individual student medical form. This form allows teachers and camp staff to try their best to cater for the needs of each individual student. This year, we are collecting medical information digitally to save on paper and minimise the amount of paperwork carted around.
A link to the medical form is provided here (please highlight to obtain linke or copy and paste to open form):
During the begin of Term Four we will be putting together cabin groups and activity groups. Students will have input into peers that they would like to be with BUT these groups are only told to the students on arrival of the camp.
5/6 A
Visual Arts: Tuesday 10:30am
Performing Arts: Thursday 9:00am
Health & Physical Education: Tuesday 11:30am
Japanese: Thursday 1:00pm (odd weeks)
Visual Arts: Tuesday 11:30am
Performing Arts: Tuesday 10:30am
Health & Physical Education: Wednesday 9:00am
Japanese: Thursday 11:50am (odd weeks)
Visual Arts:Thursday 9:00am
Performing Arts: Tuesday 11:30am
Health & Physical Education: Tuesday 10:30am
Japanese: Thursday 11:10am (odd weeks)