Year Three/ Four

Communicating with the Year Three/Four Team
We look forward to partnering with you in 2022, and welcome your input:
Melinda Rowe (Class 34A)
Rebecca Tilley (Class 34B)
Michelle Wright (Class 34C)
What a fantastic term we have had. Congratulations to our wonderful students for working so diligently throughout the term; learning new concepts, working on your times tables and showcasing your talents during our whole school production! Next term is going to be another busy one with camp and transition. Wishing our families a wonderful break and we look forward to seeing you all in Term Four.
Our students looked amazing in the colourful and varied costumes to celebrate Book Week. Please enjoy the photos below.
What a busy term we have had in Mathematics!
We started the term exploring the concept of time. We practiced telling the time to the minute and calculating elapsed time (how much time has past). Students enjoyed getting out the practice clocks and manipulating the hands to work out the time.
We then spent a week exploring mapping. To tie in with our Inquiry topic, we explored world maps and the features maps need to include such as a legend, title, scale and compass. The students thoroughly enjoyed exploring their home suburbs on Google Maps and working out what the surrounding suburbs are. Then, to explore grid references, the students had a go at mapping themselves!
A big chunk of this term was spent exploring fractions, decimals and money. In our lessons, we explored how to represent basic fractions, how to convert between improper fractions and mixed fractions and how to find equivalent fractions. We then used our knowledge of fractions to explore decimals; developing our understanding of the relationship between fractions and decimals. Lastly, we extended our decimal knowledge by playing with money. The students were given play money to practice adding and subtracting amounts, and calculating and giving change.
To finish the term, the students have been exploring angles. The students cemented their understanding of acute, obtuse and right angles, and practiced using a protractor to measure angles.
Students were given the challenge of making a ten-sided shape (decagon) and a twenty sided shape (icosagon) using icy pole sticks ensuring the angle between each stick is equal.
We are very much looking forward to our Year 3/4 Camp to Forest Edge in week four of Term Four. (Term 4: October 24-26). If you have not already done so, please ensure you have completed the medical information via the Google Form in the Compass post. If you have any questions regarding camp, please contact your child's classroom teacher.
- Hats - A reminder that students should now be wearing a sunsmart hat whilst outside for the remainder of the year.
- Messages - Please contact the office if you have a message for your child during the day. We cannot guarantee teachers will check their emails during the day.
- Diaries - Your child should be bringing home their school diary each night. Your child should be recording their reading each night: title of the book, page numbers read and a parent signature. They should also be writing down which times tables they have worked on that day. Students should be bringing in their diary to school daily.
- Times Tables - Please assist your your child to practise these times tables so that they can respond automatically and in any order.