SRC Report

Although this term marks nearing the end of this year's SRC team’s tenure, the SRC still managed to run and take part in a variety of events and programs through the duration of this term. This includes carrying out the annual Creating Conversations program, planning and running the house respectful relationships program as well as hosting a school wide pyjama day to mark the last day of classes for the term.
This term, the SRC planned and carried out the annual Creating Conversations program, which involves teachers and students of all faculties working together to improve teaching and learning through an outlet for constructive feedback and collaboration. The program was improved to encourage more collaboration and perspective, focused on giving students a greater say in their curriculum design and implementation. The program involved faculty staff forming surveys completed in Home Group, data processed by faculty leaders and the SRC, as well as feedback sessions after school where teachers and other students of all year levels discussed ideas and goals. Thank you to all the teachers and students who participated and made Creating Conversations 2022 such a success!
The SRC have also placed great emphasis on one of our school values ‘respect’ this term. Along with the school's leadership team, we planned and ran a 3 week program designed to teach students how to display respectful behaviours on a range of topics including communication, the rise of negative behaviours, stress management, help-seeking and trust. The students participated in a range of engaging and informative activities which were thoroughly enjoyed. The SRC team also gained experience in how to communicate lessons effectively.
Additionally, the SRC further worked in response to prevalent negative behaviour by developing a respectful relationships survey and video for Staff, collating the experiences and voice of students to, hopefully, see a positive change in student relationships at SCHS.
To mark nearing the end of term, the SRC’s planned a pyjama day aiming to raise funds for The Pyjama Foundation’s love of learning program. This program is aimed to provide foster children with opportunities and support to further develop their education, as well as forming positive relationships with others. It was great to see so many students wearing their pyjamas to school and donating towards this amazing cause!
So as we look to welcome in new or familiar faces into the SRC next term and say our goodbyes to our old representatives who are either graduating or moving on into new roles within the school, this year’s SRC team would just love to say one last thanks of appreciation to the amazing staff who have aided us in organising events and most importantly we would like to thank all our peers in allowing us to represent such a great school community!
The SRC :)