Level 5/6

Level 5 and 6 News

Level 5 and 6 have been extremely busy over the past fortnight with many exciting learning opportunities taking place. During Mathematics lessons the focus has been on refining our mapping skills in preparation for our upcoming Melbourne City Walk Excursion. The students have been studying maps of the city of Melbourne and identifying significant landmarks that they would like to learn more about during the visit to the city. They have then developed a plan for their group to be able to visit each site in a timely and effective manner. They have worked collaboratively to create the plan for the day, including the time it will take to get from one location to the next and the best possible route to do so. We have been impressed with the maturity and great responsibility demonstrated by each group so far. We look forward to sharing more about this experience in the coming weeks.  

The first Summer Inter school sports day was another highlight for many students as they were able to demonstrate their developing skills in the sports they have practiced so hard for over the past term. Our students competed in teams for Softball, Ultimate Frisbee, Hot Shots Tennis, Cricket, Volleyball and Basketball. Our students represented their teams and Rangeview in a wonderful manner and should be proud of their efforts and achievements. We wish them all the best for the final sports day tis term on Wednesday 14th September.  

Several other special events have taken place recently such as the Brainstorm Productions esmart incursion, a Public Transport Victoria incursion, State Netball Finals, the Father’s Day Stall, and preparation for a small group Inquiry presentations or pitches which will take place in the final week of term. Congratulations to all students in Level 5 and 6 on the amazing effort you have put into all areas of our busy curriculum over the past few weeks, we are thrilled with how well you are all managing your time and continuing to set high standards for yourselves. Keep up the wonderful work! 


The Level 5 and 6 Team