
Ms Kelly Clunn and Ms Natalie LaGarde | Assistant Principals - Wellbeing

Year 11 Student Leadership Formation


On Friday 9 June, sixty-one Year 11 students underwent the leadership formation experience.


The Leadership Retreat provides an opportunity to develop and deepen a recognition by the student leaders that the operation of an MSC school rests in the bedrock of belief in a God who is love. 


Students are assisted to identify this core belief permeating every activity and action that occurs in the life of the College. They are invited to explore the ‘web of relationships’ that is one of the defining features of an MSC school, and to recognise that their experience of Chevalier as a ‘good school’ is an experience of the spirit of God present and made tangible in the activities undertaken and in the lives of every person in the College. 


The day involved Initiative and Challenge Activities run by Mr Heard, and an Opening and Closing Ritual from Mr Lane.  Fr John Mulrooney addressed the group through unpacking MSC Constitution 32, telling our MSC story. Mr Miller focussed on MSC Leadership at Chevalier with an emphasis on unpacking the meaning of servant leadership, and what it looks like in action, and Ms Clunn facilitated the students working on possible Leaders Themes for 2023/2024.


The students were actively engaged and were wonderful to work with. In their next leadership session they will work with their House Coordinators unpacking ideas that focus on Living Leadership and Leadership in Action.


Early in Term 3, the Leadership process will continue with discernment in the lead up to the Leadership Investiture in September.