Principal's Address

Mr Greg Miller

At the beginning of this term, I asked each student to take on personal responsibility for the term ahead by reminding themselves that, "if it is to be, it is up to me"


The saying reflects the belief that individuals have the power and agency to shape day-to-day outcomes, longer term goals and satisfying achievements. Rather than relying on external factors or waiting for things to happen, this saying emphasizes the importance of taking proactive action and accountability for one's own success. 


The phrase acknowledges that achieving one's goals requires effort, initiative, and a sense of ownership. It reminds us that we can control certain things in our life and that the onus is on us to make things happen. Waiting for the perfect circumstances is not a productive approach! 


By embracing the mindset behind this saying, individuals can overcome obstacles, overcome negative self-limiting talk, and tap into their full potential. It encourages a proactive approach to work and life, fostering a sense of empowerment. While external factors and support from others do play a role, this saying reminds each one of us that true success and fulfilment come largely from within. 


And so it was, throughout the term, where I witnessed many examples of young women and young men who realised that their academic success is ultimately their own responsibility. One example is the many senior students and a slight increase in the number of junior students using SILC (study hall) each morning and each afternoon. They understand that if they want to achieve learning growth, they need to take ownership of their learning. Many students took seriously their commitment to schoolwork by actively participating in class, completing assessment tasks when due and reaching for support when needed. They took the initiative to make the most of their educational opportunities. 


Further to this, hundreds of students proactively engaged in their interests to develop new skills outside of the classroom by participating in a sports team, joining a debating team on a Friday evening, engaging in community service by visiting Harbison, and, of course, through performance excellence in the wonderfully successful musical, ‘Beautiful’. Students learnt that their involvement and dedication in school beyond the classroom are crucial for personal growth and character development. They took responsibility for managing their time effectively, balancing learning with their chosen activities, and actively seeking opportunities to contribute and excel. 


Throughout Term 2, 2023, there have been numerous examples within the Chevalier community where students demonstrated an active pursuit of "if it is to be, it is up to me" by recognising their own agency and taking responsibility for their learning growth and extracurricular pursuits.  


In summary, "if it is to be, it is up to me" serves as a motivational reminder that students hold the key to their own destiny. The saying inspires individuals to take charge of their lives, believe in their abilities, and to take action towards their aspirations, ultimately leading to a more empowered and fulfilling school life. 


Well done to the many students who responded to the challenge, “if it is to be, it is up to me”


Mr Greg Miller 
