Transitioning Into, Within and From  Project

"Educators who know and build on children’s funds of knowledge help them to feel secure, confident and connected to familiar people, places, events and understandings. This reinforces each child’s sense of belonging. Children, families, educators and teachers in schools all contribute to successful transitions between settings."

Early Years Learning Framework Version 2, p. 24


From Term 3 onwards, we will be entering into a time of transition; into, within and from Curiosity.  A delicate dance that requires families, staff and children to work closely together. 


Transition Into - We will be welcoming 8 new families into Curiosity next term.  I would like to make a special mention to our current children who have been so welcoming to our new friends.  These new children will be coming to visit us for some 'Come & Play' sessions in Week 9.  


Transition Within - We will see some of our current Green Team children move into either the Blue or Orange Team.

Every year, Curiosity continues to experience growth in our 3 year old cohort of learners which requires our learning community to accommodate this growth.  This requires our team to observe children as they learn through play and inquiry and identify their social and emotional qualities and learner dispositions.  For those children who present ready for something new in their learning, opportunities are provided for them to enter into one of our pre-school groups mid-year.  


We will be making contact with families next week to discuss the opportunity and to enter into conversation with you and your child.


Transition From - Our Blue and Orange (pre-school) children will commence spending time with the Foundation teachers at school, experiencing learning within the Stage 1 classrooms and the other areas of the school, and spend some more focussed time on developing help self and organisational skills to lay a strong foundation for school in 2024.


"Continuity is where children experience familiar or similar ways of being, doing and learning from one setting to another. Experiencing greater continuity assists effective and positive transitions."

Early Years Learning Framework Version 2, p. 24


Over the past three years we have created some wonderful memories within this period of transition so we look forward to the possibilities that lay ahead.


If at anytime you have any questions around transitions, please contact your child's Lead Teacher who can refer you onto myself if you would like some further discussion.


I leave with your our statement for Transition at Curiosity.



Curiosity's Statement for Transition


We are; Active and connected, growing for LIFE!



We value our family partnerships and believe that this creates a strong sense of belonging and connectedness.


We believe that transition begins with building relationships and engaging with all stakeholders who are part of a child’s learning journey, including the child.


Stakeholders include: parents, children, siblings, teachers, all staff and allied health.


"In partnership with children and families, educators ensure that all children have an active role in preparing for transitions. They assist children to understand the traditions, routines and practices of the settings to which they are moving and to feel comfortable with the process of change."

Early Years Learning Framework Version 2, p. 24



  • We appreciate that each child is unique and therefore their transition pathways will reflect this.
  • We build on current and prior experiences of the child to ensure positive transition.
  • We build relationships with parents and carers at each stage of learning.



  • We seek out regular opportunities to engage our students in meaningful interactions that builds a sense of belonging.
  • Students face transition with courage, which is underpinned with the understanding that social and emotional development can support successful transition.


  • We create innovative ways to develop partnerships across all stages of learning from Curiosity and other sites of learning.