Sowing the SEADs of Success

From the Assistant Principal: Wellbeing & Engagement
I would like to reflect on recent events that have taken place within our school community. These events have provided valuable opportunities for our girls to grow, learn, and engage with one another.
The Year 7 and 8 Saxe Blue Disco held last Friday night in the Square was a huge success. It was wonderful to witness our younger senior school girls with invited guests from Rostrevor, PAC, CBC and St Peters Boys come together in a supportive and sociable environment.
The event provided all students with a chance to develop new friendships, explore respectful relationships and create memories that will stay with them throughout their school years. I extend my gratitude to the Year 7 and 8 Mentor Teachers, Ms Christiana Fabbian, Ms Brittany Warren, Ms Georgie Marwe, Mr Frank Ronaldo, Mr Bill Trewartha, Mr Rob Colaiacovo, Leadership Staff and Year 12 Student Executive members who contributed to the smooth running of the night and to the DJ (Scarlett Pearce) who provided great tunes for the occasion.
A few take-aways from the night:
- The “Worm” dance move is still popular.
- The Nutbush is still popular.
- The conga and YMCA is still popular.
What was heart warming was the gratitude and kind manners displayed by both boys and girls on the night thanking staff for the event and the wonderful parent feedback from our college community.
SAPOL and safe online behaviour
Year 9 girls welcomed Detective Nadia Debellis from SAPOL (South Australia Police) last week to discuss the importance of cybersecurity, safe online behaviour and the legal ramifications of sharing inappropriate images. In today's digital age, it is crucial that our girls are equipped with the knowledge and skills to navigate the online world responsibly. This discussion served as a stepping stone towards fostering a healthy relationship with social media and highlighted both the positive and negative aspects with its use. I commend our Year 9 girls for actively engaging in this session and encourage them to continue practicing safe online behaviour.
As parents I would encourage you to visit the site below which has excellent resources for you and your daughters.
Online safety | eSafety Commissioner
Uniform – Focus Hem Length Term 3
As we progress further into Term 2 and 3, I would like to remind everyone about Uniform Guidelines.
It is essential that we maintain a sense of pride and unity in our appearance, while also adhering to the guidelines set forth by the school. “Proud to be Loreto” is a slogan we use which corresponds to many things including the wearing of our college uniform. In particular the Loreto College Crest, which symbolizes a connection with our sister schools in Australia and globally. With that in mind, please take note of the following reminders:
- Winter Tunic Hem Length: The winter tunic hem length must be at or below the knee. This guideline ensures that our students present themselves in a neat and professional manner, reflecting the values and standards we uphold as a school community. I kindly request all students and parents to ensure that the winter tunic is of the appropriate length over the holidays.
- College Blazers: College blazers are to be worn to and from the College every day when wearing the winter uniform. The blazer not only provides warmth during the colder months but also serves as a symbol of our unity and identity as a school. I urge all students to wear their blazers with pride, demonstrating their commitment to our school community.
Adherence to uniform guidelines demonstrates our commitment to discipline, unity, and the values we hold dear. Thank you for your continued support and cooperation. Together, we can create a nurturing and empowering environment for our girls to thrive and develop their academic, social and emotional skills.
Quote for students Week 8, Term 2:
Best wishes,
Ms Emma Searle
Assistant Principal: Wellbeing and Engagement
SEAD Across the College
On Wednesday evening the College’s Psychological Service hosted the second Parent Mental Health Forum for the year ‘‘Body Confident Children and Teens (Years R to 12)’ with Rachel Soderstrom from the Butterfly Foundation.
Rachel covered an overview of body image and the spectrum of body and eating issues, key influence on body image, the impact of diet culture and weight stigma, busting common myths around eating disorders, reducing appearance talk and how to respond when a child expresses negativity towards themselves/other, the power of role modelling positive body image and behaviours, and understanding warning signs and the importance of early intervention and prevention. Please see the tips to support and further readings and resources:
For more information, please go to Butterfly Foundation website.
Thank you to parents, carers and staff who attended. Thank you also to Dr Archard for her support of this initiative and to Brittany Warren for her work in promoting this event.
If you have any concerns about the wellbeing of your child, please contact your daughter’s ELC Educator, Classroom Teacher, or Head of Junior School and Early Learning Centre, or the relevant Leader of Student Wellbeing and Academic Care, or Mentor/Subject Teacher in the Senior School. You also are encouraged to seek medical or professional help.
Monica Bignold
Lead College Psychologist R-12
Reminder: Flu Season
Just a friendly reminder with cold and flu season commencing. If your daughter has any cold and flu symptoms please keep her home until these symptoms have resolved. Thank you for helping reduce the spread this winter season.
Ms Alice Graljuk
College Nurse