Uniform and Hoodies

As the weather has turned colder it has been noticed that students are wearing hoodies to keep warm. Unfortunately, hoodies are not part of the school uniform and considering recent events during the term it has been decided that during Third Term hoodies are not to be worn at school in any circumstances.  This includes a hoodie being worn under jackets or jumpers.  In other words, if a student’s school jumper, cardigan or jacket is unavailable, then an appropriate plain dark coloured non-hoodie garment is to be a worn and it is too be accompanied by a note from a parent or care giver explaining why the student is out of uniform so the student can get a uniform pass. 


The school understand that sometimes jumpers and jackets need to washed and non-uniform items need to be worn but the replacement item is not to be a hoodie.  There are a number of key reason why we are banning hoodies. 


First, hoodies make it hard to identify students and this can be problematic in a school setting. Hoodies can make it hard to identify individuals who may be engaging inappropriate behaviour which makes it difficult to maintain good order in the school.


Second, hoodies pose a minor security risk.  They make it harder to identify whether an individual   should be on the school grounds or not.


Third, the hood of the hoodies is an OHS risk particular in the areas of manual technologies and science. They risk becoming entangled in equipment and machines. 


Fourth, the hood of the hoodie is the target of unwanted horseplay.  Students have been seen pulling hard and unexpectedly on the hoods of their classmates which can lead to unwanted friction between students. 


If a student is wearing a hoodie in Third Term it will be confiscated and an appropriate consequence will be issued. 


The expectation is for students to be wearing the correct school uniform, full academic or PE uniform depending on their subjects for the day.  If a student is coming to school not in uniform, they are to bring a note to get a uniform pass and the alternative item of clothing is not to be a hoodie.


Gus McLean

Acting Assistant Principal