Principal's Report

The 2022 Annual Report is now available for the community to peruse.  

It is published on our website and will be presented to the public on 18th July at the Subject Expo and Futures Fair.

Highlights mentioned in the report include our focus on building school pride, engagement and wellbeing. Key highlights in the data collected and analysed last year include the following:


Teacher judgements show that:

  • In English the percentage of students at or above age expected standards is comparable to similar schools
  • In Mathematics the percentage of students at or above age expected standards is above state average

NAPLAN Reading shows that:

  • In Year 7 the percentage of students in the top 3 bands is above state average
  • In Year 9 the percentage of students in the top three bands is comparable to similar schools

NAPLAN numeracy shows that 

  • In Year 7 the percentage of students in the top three bands is above state average
  • In Year 9 the percentage of students in the top three bands is comparable to the state average

VCE data shows that:

  • The school study mean is above similar schools and has improved over time

Wellbeing data shows that:

  • Students’ Sense of Connectedness is above similar schools
  • Students perception of the Management of bullying is at state average

Engagement data shows that

  • Percentage of student exits from Year 7 to 10 to positive destinations (further studies or full-time employment) is higher than similar schools and the state

School Review Report – Panel Recommendations

We undertook a School Review in term 1, which assessed our performance against the goals and targets of the last School Strategic Plan (2018-2022). An independent reviewer was employed by the Department of Education to conduct the review. With the Review Panel, she conducted focus groups with students, staff and parents, visited and observed teachers and students in classes and engaged with school leaders in an examination of our programs and outcomes.  A comprehensive report was written and presented to the school.  The key findings have been delivered to the staff and school council. 


I would like to share with the school community the panel recommendations.

  • The Panel recommended that offering students increased formative feedback for improvement be part of the development of more data-driven teaching approaches.
  • The Panel noted generally positive and friendly relationships between staff and students, but also observed a number of classrooms where students were passively disengaged in the learning. It found there was a lack of consistency in teachers’ expectations of students, in how lessons were paced and in the opportunities for students to be active participants in an authentic teaching and learning cycle. Attendance was highlighted as a priority for the school to work on during the next SSP period.
  • The Panel recommended that the school review how its instructional approaches and tiered supports were implemented, and in how students’ agency and engagement in learning could be improved.

These recommendations have been shaped into two goals for the next School Strategic Plan.

  • Goal 1: Improve all students’ achievement and learning growth.
  • Goal 2: Optimise all students’ wellbeing and engagement in learning.

These two goals will be the basis for our school improvement journey over the next four years. The completed Strategic Plan will be available for perusal on our website by the end of this term.


I would like to thank all staff, students and parents who were a part of this process which has contributed to the development of our plan for the future.


35 Years of Service – Patricia Quan

Congratulations to Patricia Quan who received her Certificate of Recognition for 35 Years of Service to the Department of Education, this week.  Patricia has been a highly valued teacher and leader at Greensborough College for the past ten years. Patricia has taught in a number of secondary schools and she also held a number of regional roles coaching teachers and supporting schools. It is a wonderful achievement and testament to Patricia’s commitment and dedication to public education. 



We are very pleased that all classes will have teachers allocated to them from the beginning of term 3. As you would be aware, there is a teacher shortage and it has been a challenge this year to have all classes with a permanent teacher.  We have a fantastic bank of Casual Relief Teachers and a teaching team who has supported their colleagues and students by taking on extra classes, assessment and reporting.  Some students may not have a complete set of assessments for all of their subjects and this will be explained in the cover letter when reports are available at the beginning of term 3. 


Staffing news

McLean will continue as the Acting Assistant Principal and Mr O’Neil will continue as the Year 12 Level Leader for the rest of the year.  Ms Frazer will continue as the Sport Coordinator while Ms Berg is on Long Service Leave in term 3.


New Staff

We welcomed the following new staff members to our school this term.

  • Ross Pearson (Humanities/English)
  • Trisha Bennett (Education Support – Daily Organiser/Timetable)
  • Eleni Glossis (Re-Engagement and Wellbeing Support)
  • Amy Nguyen (Education Support – Classroom support and tutoring)
  • Patrick Willach (PE/Health - starting Term 3)

Farewell to Mr Youssef Tadros, who will be taking up a position closer to his home. Mr Tadros has been teaching at Greensborough College for almost thirteen years in the Mathematics Department.  We thank him for his dedication to his students and our school and we wish him all the best.


As we head into the term break I would like to wish everyone a safe and restful holiday.  Please take care and we will see you all back on Monday 10th July.


Pauline Barker
