Certificate II Applied Fashion Design & Technology
For more information, please email to Lucy Reece's attention to: or Ph: 03 5261 6633.
Applications Now Open for Space Camp 2024
Who can apply:
Students must be 15 – 18 years old (as of July 2024) and have an outstanding desire to
further their studies in fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). Applicants must possess a passion to one day apply and contribute to that body of knowledge.
High School level STEM teachers who are in good standing with their organisation and must be able to present documentation validating their role in education.
How to apply:
Submissions are now open. You will need to complete the relevant form via the links below to be considered for the Scholarship. Student and teacher applications will each require a submission of a 3-minute video.
Applications close on the 28th July.
Link is in the below email or
Education Help-Links
The Department of Education has some helpful links for parents to access regarding a broad range of topics. Feel free to visit to the website or click on a topic listed below: