Principal's Address

New Primary Teacher at Boorowa Central School

Congratulations to Miss Corcoran!

Miss Paris Corcoran was the successful applicant for the newly created teaching position at Boorowa Central School. She has been employed until the end of the year and will teach the Year 5/6 class in the new refurbished classroom. Miss Corcoran was previously employed at our school in 2022, teaching the Year 1/2 class, before moving to Canberra to try a new teaching challenge at the beginning of 2023. Due to personal circumstances she returned to Boorowa Central during Term 1 and has been teaching small group intervention, release from face-to-face teaching and Stage 5 Child Studies.

Miss Corcoran has a long and proud history at Boorowa Central School. She was a student here from Kindergarten to Year 12, School Captain in 2017 and was employed as a SLSO whilst she completed her Bachelor of Primary Teaching at University. I am excited to have her back on class again in Semester 2.


Mr Matthew Rowley will teach the newly created Year 3/4 class in his current classroom. He is excited for the new challenge and looking forward to doing great things with great students next semester. 


Mrs Heather Shore has been appointed into the role that was vacated by Miss Corcoran. She will teach small group intervention, release from face-to-face and Stage 5 Child Studies. She is looking forward to this new challenge.



New Class Information has been sent home

It is extremely exciting to establish a new class but as a school we also recognise that it can be unsettling for all involved. To assist with this uncertainty leading into the holiday period, each student was given, an information note explaining the changes and attached to this was their class list. This is to ensure there are no misunderstandings of class structures to best equip our students, and their parents, for the term ahead.

If you have any questions or concerns, and you haven’t already spoken to the school, please give me a call on 63853009 when school resumes on 17 July 2023.


NAPLAN results

NAPLAN results for students in Year 3, 5,7 and 9 should be arriving via mail during the upcoming holiday period. These are being sent directly to families from the Department of Education.

The NAPLAN results in 2023 will look significantly different to previous years. Students will be shown their results using a new scale of proficient descriptors. 

The school has not yet seen these results but should have access early next term. We will then provide an accurate summary of what your child’s NAPLAN results indicate.


Education Week 2023

Education week in 2023 is in Week 3 of next term. An information brochure was sent home and key events and dates were shared on Facebook.

The week is filled with activities designed to promote education and engage children in their learning. Additionally, Grandparents Day and Book Week are also a part of Education week.

Please come along to one or more activities and share the love of learning at Boorowa Central School.


Semester One Reports - reminder

A hard copy of semester one reports for K-6 went home today with the students. If your child has been demonstrating exceptional application to their learning across all areas throughout the semester, I have recognised this with a certificate from the principal. Please celebrate this with your child. If they have not received this certificate this semester, please encourage your child to work hard to demonstrate their commitment to their learning and their teacher will show this in their next report.

Secondary reports were also made available today via the Compass parent portal. All families were sent log in details in Week 7 to ensure they have access to this platform.

If you have difficulty accessing this app or if you have any questions, please contact the school on 17 July 2023 when school resumes.

I also like to recognise exceptional application to learning in all areas for secondary students. The students who have demonstrated this will receive a letter from the principal in the mail.


Enjoy your break 

It has been another typically busy but enjoyable term at Boorowa Central School, and I look forward to Term 3.

I hope that you and your children have a restful and relaxing school holiday break.




Mr Graham Jones - Principal