Review to Inform a Better & Fairer Education System


Take part in a survey to help shape the future of education in Australia


 Parents and guardians are invited to take part in a survey to help inform the Review to Inform a Better and Fairer Education System.


The online survey is an opportunity to help shape the future of education in Australia. It closes on Friday 23 June 2023. 


Here is the link to take part:


The survey is open to anyone who cares for a school-aged child and makes decisions about their education. Students aged under 18 years can also take part, but require consent from a parent or guardian to do so.


The expert panel for the review will use the results to inform recommendations for the final report to all education ministers, by 31 October 2023. The final report will advise education ministers on what targets and reforms should be included in the next National School Reform Agreement.