Principal's Report

Palmyra - Syria

Dear St John's Community,

The big news this week is our parent event organisers announcing the Rockwhiz Trivia night for early next term! 

Trybooking Link here


Staff Changes for Term 3

At this point in time prep parents are aware but I wanted to let the rest of the community know that Mrs Bec Philippe, one of our lovely prep teachers, has made the difficult decision to resign her position in order to look after her own family. Mrs Philippe has taken a leave of absence until the end of this term. Ms Lyn Hoysted, Mrs Margaret Mattila have stepped into the breach to hold the line until the end of this term and next term Mrs Hoysted will take over with the wonderful Mrs Danni Dalben (our previous prep teacher who has been on maternity leave) also returning for one day a week. 

We wish Ms Philippe all the best for her and her family.

First Holy Communion Candidates

Please continue to remember our First Holy Communion candidates whose big day is coming up very fast!


Prayer for our First Holy Communion candidates

Loving God, 

You are the giver of all we possess, the source of all our blessings. 

We thank and praise you for the gift of our children. 

Help us to set boundaries for them, and yet encourage them to explore. 

Give us the strength and courage to treat each day with them as a fresh start. 

May our children come to know you, God, and Jesus Christ, whom you sent to teach us. 

May your Holy Spirit help them to grow in faith, hope, and love, so they may know peace, truth, and goodness. 

May their ears hear your voice.  

May their eyes see your presence in all things. May their lips proclaim your word.  

May their hearts be your dwelling place.  

May their hands do works of charity.  

May their feet walk in the way of Jesus Christ, your Son and our Lord. 


Stomp Dance Co

I have invited Stomp Dance Co to come into the school in the last week of the term to work with students across the levels for a short time. This is in consideration of bringing them in again next year for Term 2 to support students in preparing for our first school production since I have been at St John's! More news will come on that later in the year but we are very excited about bringing this back!


Q: A fire truck raced past St John's one day with a big dog sitting in the passenger seat with his head out the window. Three prep students are watching it go past and the first one says, "I wonder what the dog's job is? Crowd control?" The second student says, "Nope, he's the mascot." The third student then says. "Nope, you're both wrong. The dog finds the fire hydrants!"

Q. What kind of dog did Dracula have?

A. A bloodhound..

Q. What should you do if your dog eats your dictionary?

A. Take the words right out of its mouth


Have a restful long weekend and stay warm,

Derek Bruitzman



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