Ranges TEC News

Learning Last Term at Ranges TEC
Outstanding Products
I loved walking through the workshops each week last term and seeing the fantastic projects that students have designed come to life. The Year 11s have created outstanding projects large and small. From Elijah’s stunning dining table to Jaz’s elegant wall pot plant holders. When Skinny started building his Bar from a pallet, I challenged him to put in a really good effort and his hard work has paid off. He’s built a bar that anyone would be proud to serve drinks behind. I’m so proud of all our students and the hard work they have done. Well done!
More than Products
But while these projects are amazing in their own right, they are far more than just products. They are evidence of students learning. Behind each project shows: creative thinking, ability to design, numeracy, tool knowledge and skill, problem solving, and applied OHS knowledge. But there’s more than this too.
More than hard skills
These products also represent Personal Development Skills in development. When construction is in progress, the workshops are busy and this is not always easy. What Personal Development Skills are being developed? While there are many, teamwork and patience are two that standout. Seeing students helping each other with their projects is always encouraging. Helping hold pieces of wood in place, or helping use a new tool or solving problems together are all great signs of teamwork. Learning patience is a challenge for us all at times and the bad news is that patience is only developed by having to be patient. When having to wait for help from a teacher, or from another student or tool that is needed are all times when patience is tested and there is an opportunity for growth. Teamwork is another area of students helping each other with their project.
The Example to Follow
Whether we like it or not our lives are an example to others. What is exciting about the Year 11 projects that you can see in this newsletter and are currently on display in the Ranges TEC foyer, is that they are inspiring the current Year 10s. Already they are dreaming up ideas of what they can do next year.
I am so grateful for our Ranges TEC community. It is real, authentic, learning and growing. It is a place where everyone is known and is valued. Thank you parents and guardians for partnering with us.
Ric Thorpe
Ranges TEC Director
Year 10
10S has been completing some work at Oasis Camp near the high ropes course. They cleaned up the path area, put in a retaining wall, created a lined pathway and replanted some vegetation.
Also at Oasis Camp, 10D has been working on a lined gravel area that includes a pergola for the low ropes course and a safety fence around the flying fox waiting area.
Derek & Shayne
Year 11
Our Year 11 students were challenged last term with the Design and Make component of the year. This is where students actively engage in our furniture workshop to bring life to the designs they began in the classroom in the first few weeks of term. Students were given the design brief like they would from any client and they had to design something to match this. Students have learned the importance of having a detailed design that enables them to work well in the furniture factory. Students this year had some extra incentive, a generous donation from VicForests of a few cubic meters of Victorian Ash ensures there were some beautiful options of timber available. Some students also engaged further with VicForests to look at sustainability and logging.
The second part of the term was full steam ahead with building and students enjoyed getting their hands on tools multiple times each week and watching their designs come to life. It was a proud end of term when we had all the students put their projects on display for the rest of the school to enjoy. These projects will be in the foyer for anyone that is interested in coming to have a look. I am sure students would be happy to give their parents a grand tour of all the things they have been creating. We have some tables, shoe racks, cabinets and more. They are BEAUTIFUL and the students have shown a lot of happiness and pride in what they have created. An excellent result for Term 2.
Mike & Ross
Year 12 Community Project
We have started our first major community project. This year we are forming a partnership with Chirnside Park Primary School which has invited us to construct a Gaga pit and redevelop an outdoor amphitheater with screens, garden beds and plantings. Several students will be working on a video to document how we do this and other community projects. We will also begin another major integrated unit that aims to prepare students to engage in the political sphere, particularly as they enter the voting age.
Greg, Nicola & Ross