Primary News

Prep -year 3 Healesville Sanctuary Excursion
Last Thursday Prep/1, 1/2Z, 2/3A and 3L visited Healesville Sanctuary as part of their Science unit, ‘Staying Alive’ focussing on the basic needs for survival of animals and humans.
It was a fantastic day, we watched a platypus show, birds of prey show and saw many Australian animals in their natural habitat.
The students enjoyed touching a snake, patting a nightjar, trying to find the sleeping wombat and keeping their lunch away from hungry birds!
A big thank you to all the parents, teachers and support staff who braved the cold and enjoyed the day.
Mrs Sonia McPhie
College Assembly Performace
Two of our very talented grade 3 students, Monet O'Keefe and Angie Trajkoska put on a performance during assembly this week. They did a fantastic job and sounded amazing too!
Primary Art - Grade 3L
Charcoal Owls
Students looked carefully at artwork containing owls. We looked at the texture and colour of their hair, and shape of their eyes, beak and body.
Using charcoal we sketched these main features, and added texture to our owls by flicking and smudging the charcoal.
Finally, adding a water colour background to compete our artwork.
Mrs Christine McAleer
Grade 4 Music
Our Grade 4 students were being assesed playing the ukulele in music class. The students were all very busy getting ready for their assesments.
Students in Prep-2/3 have begun to investigate the force of wind and the effect it has on objects, specifically houses made of straw, stick and brick! Last week students thought about wind and how it makes objects move. Below are photos of the Preps imitating a tree being blown by the wind. This week students modelled the Three Little Pigs houses and looked at how far each house was blown. Using this knowledge next week students will start to think about what makes a strong structure.
This fortnight during STEM grades 3-6 have begun a close investigation about a particular Little Bit. Each small group of students have been challenged to figure out how their focus Little Bit works and what it does within the circuit. Students will then use their learning to create posters to share their knowledge with others, as well as making a useful resource for classmates to refer to when designing.
Mrs Emma Braybon
School Banking
Get involved in the School Banking program.
Carwatha College P-12 is excited to offer the Commonwealth Bank School Banking program to all students.
School Banking is a fun, interactive and engaging way for young Australians to learn about money and develop good savings habits. Children who deposit money into their Youthsaver account through School Banking earn Dollarmites tokens, which they can save up and redeem for exciting rewards.
The rewards available during 2017 are:
- Cyber Handball
- Colour Change Markers
- 3D Chalk Set
- Tablet Case
- Smiley Emoji Keyring
- Volt Handball
- Pencil + Tech Case
- Epic Earphones
School Banking is also a great fundraiser for our school. Our school receives $5 when a student makes their first ever School Banking deposit and 5% on every deposit made through the school (to a maximum of $10 per individual deposit).
Getting involved in School Banking is easy!
All you need to get involved in the School Banking program is a Commonwealth Bank Youthsaver account. You can open an account for your child in one of two ways:
1. Online
Visit and click on the link to open a Youthsaver account.
2. In branch
Visit a Commonwealth Bank branch with identification for yourself and your child, like a driver’s licence and birth certificate.
If your child has an existing Commonwealth Bank Youthsaver account they can start banking straight away. They just need to bring their deposit in every week on School Banking day using their Dollarmites deposit wallet.
If you would like to know more about School Banking, please ask for a 2017 School Banking program information pack from the school office or visit