Secondary News

Junior College Band Perform At Assembly
Our talented Junior College Band performed at assembly this week. They showcased their amazing talent in singing and instrument playing.
Year 7C Science Experiment - Slime
On Tuesday May 23, 7C students participated in a science experiment. They have recently been learning about what mixtures are made up of, and created a mixture of their own. Students mixed borax, food dye and poly-vinyl alcohol solution together, to create their own slime. Students then placed their slime into a zip-lock bag to take it home. As a class we discussed the properties of slime – it is stretchy and bouncy and that it is an example of a mixture.
TRY THIS YOURSELF: Perform these steps for a slime mixture at home!
- Put corn-starch into mixing bowl.
- Begin adding water slowly.
- Optional: Mix in glitter
- Mix with hands until the mixture is smooth.
- Continue adding water until you have achieved your desired consistency.
- Store in a plastic bag or airtight container.
Mrs Kyla Crawford
Year 8 Girls Soccer
On Monday, 5th June, eleven year 8 Girls competed in the Dandenong District Interschool Soccer Competition. Game 1 was a tight encounter against Dandenong High School ending in a 1-1 draw. Laura Kustura scoring the goal in the first game. Game 2 we came up against Sirius. The star of this game was Mela scoring a hat trick and Carwatha finished the game winning 3-0. We were through to the semi-finals. Another strong performance by the team saw Mela scoring the winning goal and Carwatha winning 1-0. In the grand final we came up against Keysborough College, Acacia Campus. This was an extremely tight tussle but unfortunately Keysborough got the better of us scoring in the last minute to defeat Carwatha 1-0. The day was played in great spirits and the girls should be commended for their sportsmanship and the way they represented the college. Well done girls!!
Mr Leigh Murphy
Year 8A Sceience Experiment - Elements
On Wed May 31, 8A students participated in a science experiment. They have recently been learning about elements, and today they classified elements as metals/non-metals/metalloids based on their properties. Students filled in a table to assist them in this task. Properties of elements investigated included: lustre, brittleness and conductivity of heat and electricity.
Mrs Kyla Crawford
Year 8C Science Experiment - Reactions
On Friday June 2nd, 8C science students participated in a science experiment. They have recently been learning about chemical and physical reactions and how to classify examples of these types of changes. Students filled in a P.O.E table (prediction, observation and evaluation) to assist them in this task. They then filled in a venn diagram using examples of chemical and physical reactions. All students behaved very safely and had a lot of fun. Did you know – baking a cake and burning a candle are chemical & physical reactions!
Mrs Kyla Crawford
Year 9 Health- First Aid
As part of the year 9 course work, students have learnt basic First Aid skills throughout term 2. Learning first aid can be the difference between life and death. Unfortunately, accidents can — and do — happen, everywhere. When they do, it’s those first few moments after an accident that are crucial as to whether the person survives or not. Throughout the term students have learnt to be able to keep a person breathing, reduce their pain or minimise the consequences of injury or sudden illness until an ambulance arrives.
This could mean the difference between life and death for them.We recommend everyone to consider taking a first aid course so that you can recognise an emergency and give basic first aid until professional help arrives.
Mr Leigh Murphy
Year 9 Exams
A reminder that Year 9 exams take place during periods 1-3 next Wednesday, June 14. Students need to be at the small gym at 8.45 for the English exam and it is essential that they arrive at school on time so they start their exam in an organised and unrushed manner. There will be 10 minutes of reading time, followed by the exam of 90 minutes which finishes at 10.30.
Students will have a 45-minute break between exams and will have the opportunity to get food and drink from lockers and to use the toilet. They will then be supervised by teachers in rooms close to the small gym. There will be no canteen access during the break so it is important that students bring a suitable snack and drink for the recess break. Students will be escorted back to the small gym at 11.15 for the Maths exam which also has 10 minutes of reading time followed by 90 minutes of exam time. Students finish their Maths exam at 1.00 and will then be dismissed for normal lunchtime. Period 4 will take place as normal.
This is an important experience for the students to prepare for their VCE studies. Attendance for these exams is compulsory and the results will appear on reports
Students are required to be in full and correct school uniform. For the English exam, students are required to bring their writing materials and a hard copy dictionary. For the Mathematics exam, they bring their calculator, one allowed reference (bound theory / summary book) and writing equipment.
Mr Kevin Fahey
Year 10 Upcoming Incursion - Keys Please
Good drivers aren’t born. They are made. And the best way to become a good driver is to get plenty of driving experience.
But sometimes, learning how to change gears, or even how to change lanes can seem a breeze compared with the challenge of getting your parents/guardians to hand over the car keys.
Keys Please can change that! The Keys Please student program covers:-
- Why 120 hours of driving practice?
- Importance of the partnership between supervising driver (parent) and learner driver (student)
- Stages of learning to drive
- Staying safe on your P's
- Resources that are available for Learner Drivers/Supervising Drivers
There is also an online parent/supervising driver resource to watch by going to and searching “Lessons from the Road”.
Carwatha College is hosting a Keys Please Student session on 22 June 2017 at 1:50pm.
Youth Empowerment Conference
On Friday, 2nd June a group of 15 VCE students had the opportunity to attend Wooranna Park Primary Schools, Youth Empowerment Conference’ at Dandenong High School.
In attendance with us, was a combination of primary and secondary students who participated with us in listening to high profile speakers sharing their journeys and strategies for overcoming challenges, and activating the pursuit of dreams and passions.
Each speaker came with a different message and insight from experiences they have had in their lives and from a variety of jobs. Some of the guest speakers included, founder and chief instructor at Seishin Dojo, Matthew Charles.
My personal favourite, Deputy Dean (Learning and Teaching) of the school of Global, Urban and Social Studies at RMIT University, Debra Bateman. Debra is the Associate Professor at RMIT, she is a very passionate educator. Her career has focused on helping young people to consider how they think about their futures. The difference that education can make in their lives. Debra encouraged us to be the rulers of our futures in a humanity that is still becoming. To see how we could become the best versions of ourselves-for us.
By Emilia Alvarez Chaves –President of the SRC
Out of all the guest speakers my favourite speaker would have to be Sensei Matthew Charles who is a martial arts teacher in Dandenong who represented Australia in a closed door karate championship. The reason why I thought he was the best speaker was because he told us how to be great leaders by making everyone laugh, he told us stories on how he overcame his fears and said that to beat the best you have to train harder than the rest.
What I learnt from the program was that there is no leader without followers, not to listen to the people that want to bring you down, not to isolate yourself, different things matter to different people and to reconsider what it is to fail.
By Alex Vu 10C
I am part of the SRC team that attended the ‘Youth Empowerment Conference’. The two speakers that stood out for me on the day and gave me the most beneficial tips to being a better leader was Quentin Jones and Margherita Larne-Jones.
Quentin is the Managing Director of a leading diagnostics company CLS360 Pty. Ltd. Margherita specialises in partnering with organisations and the organisations leaders. She team coaches with organisations and their leaders to help them develop their leadership skills.
From this presentation, I learnt that leadership isn’t a person but a process. It is the first follower that makes the first step in changing the ‘lone-nut’ into a leader, as a leader is nothing without their followers.
By Ben Bright-Publicity Officer of the SRC
Year 12 Elevate Education
On Wednesday 7th June Year 12 students welcomed Elevate Education to our college. Elevate Education ran a study skills and exam preparation session for our Year 12 students to assist students in maximising their revision program and exam techniques.
Students found the session engaging, helpful and a great resource to help them reach their potential.
Thank you to Mr Mulcahy for organising such an informative and supportive program to help our students achieve the best they can.
“The presenter was very engaging and cheerful. I learnt a lot about how to study efficiently and effectively,”
Kirsten Hallett.
“It was a very useful study session, time was well utilised. Many students learnt various skills on how to study and better their performance in SACs and exams,”
Viktoria Karkatzoulis.
“The session was fantastic, it taught me a lot about what to do, and what not to do, to get the most out of my studies and achieve the best in both SACs and the end of year exams. Using a 3-point structure I am now able to effectively study instead of just ‘copying down notes.’ Ultimately it was an incredibly useful session,’
Dylan Amante.
“The session was well constructed and informative. It provided students with various effective ways to study and find a way to help them achieve the best possible success they can. Overall, it was well worth the time,”
Jason Au.
Biomimicry Competition for Year 10 - 12 students
Calling all budding science communicators!
GTAC (the Gene technology access centre) - in Parkville, is inviting students of Years 10–12 to submit a blog discussing your favourite example of Biomimicry.
The winning entry will be published on the GTAC website, with prizes awarded to the winning student and their school.
Visit the GTAC website for more details and to view last year’s winning entries on Geckoskin Adhesive Tape by Stephanie M (Casterton Secondary College, and the Kingfisher and the Bullet Train by Zoe E (Elwood College,
This competition closes on Friday, June 23.
Mrs Crawford
Registrations For The 2017 ANCQ
Dear science students at Carwatha College, secondary:
Registrations for the 2017 ANCQ being held on Tuesday 1 August are now open.
The ANCQ is a great opportunity to promote chemistry and the role it plays in our society as well as providing a useful benchmarking resource for gauging the understanding your students have of chemistry.
The Quiz consists of 30 multiple choice questions, taking approximately 1 hour, split into four divisions. The age divisions are Junior Years 7 – 8, Intermediate Years 9 – 10, Senior Division Year 11 and Final Division Year 12. The ANCQ can be taken either online or hard copy.
The cost per entry is $5.75 incl. GST. Registrations for this competition close on Friday 2 June.
All students are awarded for their efforts and receive a Certificate of Participation; we anticipate that approximately 40% of entrants will receive Certificates of Merit to acknowledge their efforts at Credit, Distinction and High Distinction levels. Students who obtain a perfect score of 30 out of 30, receive a Certificate of Excellence and a lapel badge.
The ANCQ is a truly International competition with translations into seven different languages. The Quiz attracts over 110,000 entries from over 1,600 schools throughout Australia and 17 neighbouring countries. We anticipate an even greater response for the 2017 Quiz, including entries from Austria and Germany.
To register for the 2017 quiz please visit and use the following information to log in.
Username: admin
Password: ancq2017
School Code 317401
If you require any further assistance please contact the ANCQ schools coordinator at
Mrs Kyla Crawford