Middle School


Head of Middle School


As we enter the Easter Holiday break it feels like Term 1 has come and gone in the blink of an eye! Where did the time go?


Parent Teacher Evenings

It was great to see so many parents taking advantage of the opportunity to speak with their children’s teachers at the recent Parent Teacher Evenings. Parental engagement in education is a significant factor in a supporting a child's success at school, as is a positive and supportive relationship between the school and home. It is heartening to see parents making the time to speak with teachers, developing partnerships and staying informed of what is occurring at school.


Year 9 Camp

Last week the Year 9 cohort headed to The Summit Camp in Gippsland, to undertake a character and confidence building challenge camp. Students and staff returned both exhilarated and exhausted, but full of positive stories and experiences.


During the camp the students were challenged with an array of obstacles and trials to overcome, including mud pits, rope bridges and team building games.


Thanks are extended to Paula Tsiagalos who organised the camp, as well as all staff who attended and challenged themselves.


Congratulations go to the students for their energy, enthusiasm and willingness to push themselves beyond their comfort zone.

Year 8 Holocaust Museum Excursion

To conclude their unit of study on the text The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas, on Monday 26th March, Year 8 students  visited the Jewish Holocaust Centre in Elsternwick. The students were taken on a guided tour of the museum and heard from a holocaust survivor. Mr Costello has share a short report of the excursion below:


The presenter delivered an incredible introduction which set the scene for how this horrible event could possibly have happened. We also viewed a short documentary which clearly outlined the growth of Anti-Semitism in Nazi Germany between the years of 1933- 1945.


From the auditorium we were taken on a guided tour through the museum to look through the many historical artefacts on display. Our students did a tremendous job asking many thought-provoking questions, and the JHC staff commended our students for being such an attentive and well behaved group.


Lastly, we met Joseph De Haan, a 95 year old Jewish man from Amsterdam who was forced to hide from the Nazis (near the house where Anne-Frank and her family were also hiding). He had an incredible story of survival and was an amazing communicator. Joseph spoke for nearly 30 minutes on his harrowing tale, where many of his family members were killed in the camps. He amazingly survived due to the kindness of Dutch farmers who hid him.


Overall, it was an educationally enriching experience that was thoroughly appreciated by all of our students and Year 8 Staff.


Thanks to Mr Harbis and Mr Costello for organising the excursion.



The 2018 debating season kicked off at Wesley College on Thursday 15th March and our Year 9 teams began with great success. Four out of the five Year 9 teams won their first debate of the year, with the fifth team only losing by a matter of points. Well done to the students invoved and to Mrs Zijai for her excellent preparation of the teams.

Year 6 Camp

During this last week of term, our Year 6 students have been challenging themselves at Camp Toolangi in the picturesque Yarra Ranges. The students have been hut and raft building, undertaking obstacle courses, enjoying night time campfire stories, testing their metal strength on the high ropes course, as well as canoeing and flying fox.


All students had a fantastic experience, creating many new friendships and developing new found confidence and resilience.


Thanks to Mr Damaptopopulos for his organisation of the camp, and to all staff who attended and cared for the students.

Resilience Survey

Over the last two weeks of term all Middle School students have undertaken The Resilient Youth Survey. The survey is developed by Resilient Youth Australian, and assists schools to find out what our students are thinking and feeling. This information can then be tracked and better inform the school on areas to target to support students personal and social development.


The survey was undertaken last year for the first time providing a useful snapshot of our students resilience. Continuing the survey this year will provide a rich source of information, allowing us to track the progress of our Pastoral programs and the well-being of our students.


Happy and safe holidays! On that note, I wish you all a safe and enjoyable break.