Some of Ms Harper’s year 7’s have created some ‘guess the number’ puzzles – can you guess the number?
Scarlett Kaiser 7A
There are seven digits in this number. The thousands digit is two. If you multiply the thousands digits by four it equals the hundreds of thousands digit. In the tens of thousands place is a zero. The millions and hundreds digit is the same. If you subtract five from the hundreds of thousands digit it will equal the millions. There are sixty nine units. What number is this?
Negar Hakimi 7A
I am a 5 digit number, my tens digit is 3+(3x2), my ones digit is half of the hundreds, and my hundreds is the thousands and tens of thousands digits added together. The thousands digit is 3 and the tens of thousands is 5. What number am I?
No Name – 7A
I am a number with four digits. My thousands is twice my ones. My hundreds is 3. My ones is 8 - 5. My tens has no value. What number am I?