Alumni Program News

Q&A with our ALUMNI
On Wednesday 29th January, Year 12 students began their final year of secondary school; an exciting and somewhat daunting time.
Thank you to our four alumni: CELESTE ROBERTSON '02, JESSIE CHRISTIAANS '14, ASHLEE HUME '15 and MEGAN KAISER '18 who returned on this day to participate in a Q&A with our Year 12s.
The aim of the Q&A was to provide guidance to and assist Year 12s in preparing for and getting the most out of their final year of school. We focused on goal setting, how to cope during peak SAC times, preparing for exams, striking an optimal balance between work/rest/play and the choices made and pathways followed by each alumna.
The returning alumni spoke openly and honestly and provided so much advice to our students.
Some of the takeaways include:
- Make others aware of your goals - they can support you whilst also holding you accountable.
- Write things down - have 'to do' lists - you will be amazed at how good you will feel when you complete a task and can cross it off. Also use a diary/planner and plan ahead of time.
- Keep up-to-date with your notes and revise them - don't leave this until just before your exams.
- Utilize September holidays (which may not seem like holidays at the time) and exam revision time to prepare for exams. In the weeks leading up to your exams, follow your school timetable and dedicate your usual class time to revise for that specific subject.
- Strike a good balance between work/rest/play - reward yourself with free time when you have completed the necessary work.
- Give everything a go! - get involved, be a 'yes' person, apply for opportunities (even if you don't think you'll be successful) and try new things as you never know what this may lead to.
If you are an alumna of MFG and have not yet reached out, get in touch:
Tanja Dunat Timms
(Ourschool Alumni Program Manager)