From the Principal

Term 3, Week 2, Kevin Kennedy

Dear Parents and Carers,


New Website

Our old website has been replaced. The new website has updated images and information about the school such as policies, management  procedures and planning documents. Over the coming weeks we will be adding more detail to the website such as what specialised programs are on offer at the school.


Skoolbag remains our preferred method of communication but the website can be a useful resource for families.


House Captains- Badge Presentation

At this Fridays assembly we will be presenting the house captains and vice captains their badges. The students underwent a rigorous application process and are to be congratulated on successfully winning the positions. They are a fine group of young leaders who will do a fantastic job.  


Congratulations to the following successful applicants:


Red - Mukandi - Play

Emily West

McKenzie Swift 

VC - Charlie Calvett


Green - Yakandi - Run

Olivia Hickman

Jade McCabe

VC - Kiana Getings


Blue - Wirrilla - Quick

Lily Williams

Brayden McKenzie

VC - Eve Knott


Yellow - Padmendi - Jump

Annalise Harous

Maddy Katnich 

VC - Jemma Conners 


Sports Day House Names

You have probably noticed our House names have changed and that we have one more team. We are doing this to honour our Reconciliation Action Plan which has a mandate of increasing the identity of indigenous languages (Kaurna)  in our school. Also in 1970 the school had 4 teams with indigenous names, we thought it would be nice to revisit this tradition as part of our 50th and reuse the same trophy. Finally, as our school is growing ( 341 students)  we now have the capacity to field another team.  The teams are (the second word is the meaning) Padmendi – Jump, Wirrilla – Quick, Yakandi – Run and Mukandi – Play.


50th Birthday Celebration

Momentum is building for our birthday celebrations. Please see that attached flyer for this event, also check out our Facebook page for more information.




If you have a query or question please contact me at the school or pop in for a chat.

Kind regards,


Kevin Kennedy