Classroom Update

Grade 1/2 Naish

Firstly, a big thank you to all those who attended either parent teacher interviews or PSG meetings over the past fortnight. It was great to share with you all the progress that your child has made throughout the past two and a half terms. Also please remember that if you have any questions or concerns, feel free to give me a call or send me an email. 


As we reach the mid part of the term, we continue to focus on making sure that we are learners within our classroom. Great improvement has been made since the start of the year and we will continue to put this focus into action as we move through the remainder of this term and into Term 4.


In the classroom we have been focusing on a range of learning in the areas of Literacy, Maths, RE and Inquiry. Our 2 hour Literacy block each day has continued to be a very busy and essential time with a range of different learning taking place. Students continue to participate in our Sounds-Write program which continues to support the needs of all our learners in the area of reading and spelling. The students in group 1 are currently developing their skills in reading and writing words that contain four sounds (eg: best, wink, bump), whereas the students in group 2 are looking at different ways the same sound can be made (er can be made with the spellings of er, ir, or and ur) as well as how the same spelling can make different sounds (o in hot makes a different sound to o in most). Through our mentor text, students have been learning about the Aboriginal culture which relates to our Inquiry Unit titled, ‘Celebrating Differences’, as well as developing comprehension skills such as making connections to a text, recalling information and answering inferential questions. Students have also been spending time collecting information about the 3 different Australian flags which they will present in an information report.


Within our Inquiry learning, not only have we been learning about the Aboriginal culture, but also have started to look at different cultures and compare them to our own culture as well as develop an understanding about why it is important to celebrate differences as well. 


Our Maths learning this term so far has focused on developing our ability to read, write, model and order numbers as well as developing strategies to solve both addition and subtraction problems. Later in the term we will also focus on how to name and order Australian notes and coins, as well as read time on both an analogue and digital clock. 


Finally, our RE this term has initially focused on a unit titled ‘Jesus in the Scripture’ where students developed an understanding of who Jesus is and listened to stories of Jesus. Our new unit that we have started this week is titled ‘Our Call to Mission’ and students will understand Jesus’ mission of showing love and care for others.