Principal Introduction

Dear Parents, Carers, and Students,
In March this year, our Year 7 & 9 students completed the National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN). We are pleased to announce the outstanding results our students achieved.
The results of our Year 7 cohort indicated that:
• 73% are Exceeding or Strong in Reading compared to 66% of students in the State
• 69% are Exceeding or Strong in Writing compared to 60% of students in the State
• 71% are Exceeding or Strong in Numeracy compared to 63% of students in State
The results of our Year 9 cohort indicated that:
• 62% are Exceeding and Strong for Reading compared to 60% of the State
• 64% are Exceeding or Strong in Writing compared to 58% of students in the State
• 67% are Exceeding or Strong in Numeracy compared to 60% of students in the State
These results are highly significant, noteworthy and a point of celebration. This is a fantastic reflection of the hard work of our students, the high expectations of our parents and carers and a tremendous result for our staff and the community.
Since returning from remote learning, our College has introduced an explicit Literacy strategy for all teaching staff that is consistent across the College in all learning areas. This has included intense professional learning to improve the way we teach reading and writing across all subjects. This has also been coupled by our PLC (Professional Learning Communities) work that is focused on engaging students via various methods of questioning strategies, with a focus on developing skills rather than knowledge of content. We are so proud of all that our staff and students have achieved and look forward to what we can achieve next.
This term all staff participated in Child Safe Standards training. This training ensures staff at Elisabeth Murdoch College are equipped with the knowledge, skills and awareness to keep children and young people safe. Elisabeth Murdoch College policies are available for our community to view at Feedback on these policies is welcome and encouraged. Please send your feedback via an email to
When parents, carers and school staff work together as one team, our students do better. Everyone at school, particularly staff and parents/carers, play a role in making school a better place for learning and work.
Parents, carers and school staff have a relationship that can last many years. This is an opportunity to work together to create a positive relationship in the best interests of your child. When this relationship is built on respect and trust, students learn better and feel like they belong in the school.
Every member of our school community has a right to feel safe and be protected.
The department’s Respectful Behaviours within the School Community Policy describes the positive behaviour expected from parents, carers, and other adults in Victorian school communities. The policy sets clear standards of behaviour to create a safe, respectful, and inclusive learning environment for students, staff and adults.
There are also resources to support safe and respectful relationships in our school community, including information about getting involved in the school, advice on how to raise a concern or complaint, and parenting support resources. You can find the policy and these resources here.
You may also see a new poster up around our school, promoting positive behaviour.
For more information on how to engage positively with our school, please contact the College on 9788 2600.
Traffic congestion on Warrandyte Road continues to be challenging during drop off and pick up times. To reduce traffic congestion and support keeping our community safe on the roads surrounding the College, please ensure you follow these guidelines:
• Suggest your child walks or rides to school if you live a close distance to the College
• Utilise the local bus services- please see our College website page for the bus timetable
• Collect your child from the Langwarrin Hall on the corner of Warrandyte Road and Cranbourne-Frankston Road, ensuring they cross the road following the Crossing Supervisor's instructions.
• Drop off children in the left turning lane that enters into the College as this is a bus bay- it is not a drop off zone.
• Drop off or pick up children at the Langwarrin Community Centre or the Carwash (opposite the College).
On Friday 18th August, Jenaya Bartlett, Year 12 EMC student, Vice College Captain and proud Wiradjuri woman, won People’s Choice for Koorie Student of the Year 2023 at the Victorian Training Awards (VTAs). The VTAs are the state’s most prestigious accolade for the Vocational Education and Training (VET) sector. The awards celebrate individuals, employers and training providers, not only for their outstanding achievements in training, but also for the ways their training has benefited them and their communities in other parts of their lives.
The People’s Choice Awards are open to finalists from individual sponsored categories and are decided in the lead up to the gala ceremony by online public voting. Jenaya completed a school based traineeship with Victoria Police, and was proud of her work to increase cultural knowledge and safety during her traineeship. Congratulations Jenaya!
Thursday 24th August saw the opening night of the 2023 College production – Legally Blonde. I wanted to congratulate the cast, crew and staff for an amazing outcome which culminated in four sold out shows. Seeing so many people following their passions and being recognised and celebrated by our community was a complete joy that filled me with pride as a EMC community member. This production is a high energy event, full of so many key College values around respect, empowerment, aspirations, courage and honesty.
A big shout out to the staff engaged in supporting, leading, driving this production, your own passion, commitment and sacrifice to achieve excellence is amazing, and the student performance reinforces the respect and relationships that the cast has with you all.
As Term 3 draws to a close, we're delighted to share the remarkable strides our middle school students have taken in understanding career pathway options and setting goals as part of their Career Action Plans. Our students have enthusiastically delved into exciting careers and pathways lessons, igniting a spark of curiosity about the world beyond the classroom. These lessons have opened their eyes to diverse possibilities and have helped them connect their passions to potential future professions.
The transition from Year 8 to 9 marks an essential phase of academic development. Our dedicated educators have worked closely with students to guide them through thoughtful subject selections, empowering them to choose subjects that align with their interests and aspirations.
Moving forward, the Year 9 into 10 transition is one of purposeful planning. Our students have engaged in comprehensive course counselling sessions, exploring a range of subject options. A special mention goes to Access Monash, whose visit was an invaluable resource, assisting our students in setting career goals beyond Year 12 and charting their academic journey accordingly.
At Elisabeth Murdoch College, we recognise that each student's path is unique. By fostering an environment where exploration is encouraged and guidance is readily available, we ensure that our students are well-prepared for the exciting opportunities that lie ahead. Here's to the bright futures our middle school students are shaping—one lesson, one choice, and one goal at a time.
Hoping you have an enjoyable last couple of weeks to Term 3, and a safe and restful break during the holiday period.
Kind regards,
Terry Kiat
Assistant Principal