Senior School News

On Tuesday the 15th of August, the Year 12 English students were lucky enough to attend “Complete Works Theatre Company’s” comparative play of our two English texts, “The Longest Memory” and “The 7 Stages of Grieving”. It was an enlightening and engaging experience that offered a new perspective on comparisons between the texts. After the conclusion of the play, we had a Q&A with the actors that provided insightful information about the play and novella, their own personal experiences with the motifs of the texts and useful advice for our upcoming SAC.
By Sarah Golland, Elena Tsiounis and Nathanael Hetherington
Staff vs Students Games
Staff Vs Students games continue in the Seniors Years. While the staff put up a fight and strategically recruited members from years 9-11, they were no match for the sheer number of year 12 students ready to take their aim. The scores are close with handball and cricket still left on the schedule.