From the Principal Class

Principal Report
Dear Viewbank Community,
As we move toward the end of term, I want to acknowledge the overwhelming sense of pride at the way our students are engaging, both in their learning and in the extra-curricular activities on offer at the College.
We are fortunate to be able to have such a rich and vibrant program, and I believe there is something for every student to explore and participate in.
Some of the wonderful events that have occurred over that past weeks include:
- Languages theatre – a fun-filled evening of performance from our German and Japanese students!
- STEAM week, with the periodic table cup-cake challenge, Virtual Reality games and experiences, quizzes and much more.
- Public speaking
- Staff versus students debating.
- Media showcases
- Book week, with a character and costume day
- Chamber Choir winners of their section of the Royal South Street Competition
Still to come before the end of term:
- Bass/Guitar soiree
- More public speaking
- Student led conferences
- Year 9 Morrisby testing
- Laptop information evening
- Jazz Night
- Health and PE week.
We encourage students to get involved in as many events as they can. This builds the fabric of our community. Please read on for more reports and photos of these events.
College magazine
We are currently working with our publisher to put together the school magazine. The magazine is an optional item that you can pay for. We highly encourage parents to purchase a copy. If you have yet to purchase a copy and would like to you can find the payment option under "Course Confirmation" in Compass
Last year, we had lots of late requests to purchase a copy and could not meet all requests.
It is a wonderful representation of the year’s highlights and highly recommended!
Future of Education
I regularly write about the future of schooling and the importance of maintaining high aspirations.
We all know that education is the key to a positive, healthy and fulfilling future and this is even more important now as we move into a constantly changing world of work. A good qualification (with a strong future focus) is critical if our young people are going to navigate housing, cost of living pressures, travel and having a family.
Whilst it is really positive that students are happy to be back at school, we ask parents to support their students in building their aspiration and their desire to do and be their best. Currently, we are seeing a level of apathy and ‘near enough is good enough’ attitude. Attendance at school is critical for learning continuity.
We will also continue to build their understanding of the challenges of future work, whilst supporting their wellbeing and the development of the skills that will set them up for their future.
A reminder about expectations
All students in Year 7, 8, 9 and 10 attended a year-level assembly in the past weeks where reminders about uniform and upholding the Respectful Relationships pledge were shared. Many of our students understand and demonstrate respectful behaviour at school by creating a safe space for our community. Disappointingly, some students are choosing to use homophobic, transphobic, racist, or sexist comments which are causing some students to feel unsafe. All students were reminded that the school has a zero tolerance for this type of behaviour and will act accordingly if any students are heard or seen to be making other students feel unsafe. Everyone has a right to learn, and to be an included member of our community. All students were also reminded about the adherence to our uniform policy. We have been seeing more students wearing non-Viewbank College pieces of uniform (eg. Hoodies, wrong tracksuit pants etc.), with some students in no Viewbank College uniform. When a student is not wearing any Viewbank College uniform, parents/carers will be contacted, and the student will be asked to return home to come back to school in correct uniform.
Thank you for your continual support. We ask for your particular support in these two expectations that have been raised in the past week.
If you have any questions, please contact Assistant Principal, Ms. Penelope Cleghorn, or your students’ Head of House or House Leader.
Sharon Grimes, Principal
Emma Ford, Assistant Principal
Rachael Smith, Assistant Principal
Anna Crosswhite, Assistant Principal
Penelope Cleghorn, Assistant Principal