Community News

Banyule Nillumbik Youth Services Network
Parking changes - Diane Cres (from Banyule Council)
Council has recently received concerns from the residents regarding illegally parked vehicles along Diane Crescent, Viewbank.
We have inspected the street and noted vehicles to be parking in a manner that impedes through traffic during school drop off and pick up times.
To address these concerns, in the coming weeks Council will be installing, ‘No Stopping’ parking restrictions, operating between '8am-9.30am and 2.30pm-4pm, on School Days' in a staggered arrangement on a section of Diane Crescent.
Please see the image below which indicates the proposed change.
These changes are intended to provide safe passage through the street, for motorists and pedestrians, and therefore we ask that you notify parents of the changing conditions.
Australian Plants Expo is on 9th - 10th September, 10am-4pm, at Eltham Community & Reception Centre, 801 Main Road, Eltham.
Huge range of native & indigenous plants (5 plant stalls), books on related topics, pots and gift stalls, activities for children.
Entry: Adults $5, Concessions $4, Children free.Organised by Australian Plants Society Yarra Yarra Group Inc. (NE Melbourne).
Check our website for more detail, and plant lists closer to the time.