Principal's News

Mr Rodrigues

Dear Families,

These Winter days certainly seem to be taking their toll on many of us with lots of staff and children away this week. As I mentioned to the children on Monday, we all need to be taking care of ourselves and each other, remembering our good practices of getting lots of sleep, eating well and keeping up the routines we learnt during COVID, to wash our hands, sanitise and minimise the spread of germs. I also encourage parents to remind children to keep warm at school, wearing their jumpers and jackets especially on these extremely cold days.



In the Midst of Winter


In the midst of Winter, when the days are cold and wind can pierce remind us of the warmth of your love. 

In the midst of Winter, when days are short, dawn comes late, and dusk arrives early remind us that in the darkness your light still shines. 

In the midst of Winter, when the flowers of spring still lie hidden in the earth, when leaves are off the trees, and the world can seem bleak remind us that spring is but a short time away. And when in our lives we feel as if we are experiencing a season of winter, reach out to us with the power of your resurrection so that we may feel the warmth of your love and see your light that alone can take away the darkness of our soul.


Trinity Art Show - We can't wait! - Thanks An for this beautiful Flyer,


Farewell Ms Rivas

This week Ms Rivas will be finishing up at Trinity as she will begin her maternity leave in preparation for the very exciting times ahead. We will all miss her very much and thank her for the amazing contribution she has made to so many children at Trinity and to our school. We look forward to her dropping in to see us some time in the future with her new baby. Fortunately we have been able to find a suitable replacement for Ms Rivas. 


Ms Annie O'Donnell will take over our Year 1/2 class. Ms Annie has already met the children and joined Ms Rebecca and Ms Brown for a planning session today to gain a good understanding of the learning for this term. Ms Annie is a very experienced teacher and I am sure she will make a great contribution to the learning in 1/2UR throughout the remainder of the year. 


Trinity’s Semester 2 Class Leaders 


Congratulations to the following students who were elected by their class: 

Aidan, Tsnu, Olivia, Cam, Lucas, Thomas, Anthony and Mikayla.



Are you passionate about North Richmond? 

Do you have an idea for a local action or activity? Join us on this exciting journey, strenghten your skills on how to take action and create positive change in your local community!


Check out the flyer below for more details.


What's on for Young People in Richmond in Term 3? 

Check out the flyer in our Community Advertising Page this week


Community Calendar HERE - Keep up with our important dates!


Kind Regards

Nigel Rodrigues
