Curriculum Matters 

Level 3 to 6

This week, we had over 100 Jells Park students from Level 3-6 compete in the Australian Maths Competition. They had to answer 30 questions using their knowledge of number facts and different problem-solving skills.

Congratulations and good luck to all participants! We eagerly await your results, which should be released in the coming months.

Level 3

This term, Level 3 have begun learning about Our Community

So far, we have discussed what it means to be a law-abiding citizen and explained how rules are designed to keep us happy and safe. We have recently begun to explore the three levels of Government in Australia; Federal, State and Local. During this past week, we have been busy researching government services provided the various governing bodies and creatively presenting our discoveries through triaramas. 

Level 4

As part of our Inquiry topic, ‘Inventors and Inventions’, 4M have been designing and building prototypes of their own Lego sets.  We managed to put them together quicker than the professionals who can take years to take an idea to a finished set in the shops.


The Level 4 students have spent quite a lot of time writing a picture story book for a specific audience. Many chose to write for younger students so we took our stories over to Level 1 and shared our work. The Level 1 students gave us very positive feedback with one saying “I didn’t like your book……I LOVED it!!!”.

Level 6

Mount Buller

On Friday the 28th of July, most of the year 6’s went to Mount Buller for the day. 

Everyone arrived at school at around 5:30am and they all left by 6am for the 4 hour bus ride. The roads were winding and some people felt sick. 

When we arrived, they put all their bags away and got dressed into their snow gear. 

After getting their snow equipment they got into groups of 7 and the lessons started. After about an hour lesson they had lunch which was appetizing. After lunch the year 6’s had an hour of free time on the mountains and on the chairlifts. Some of the mountains were steep and some not.

After we were all finished and packed up they headed off to the Mansfield pub for dinner. At the pub there was a selection of very tasty foods.

The bus ride home was pretty crazy, and it was a long drive, but they got there in the end! 

Everyone arrived back at school at 8:30pm to see their families again.

Zahra N & Poppy L


On a Monday morning, Mark Lumley an indigenous leader came to the level 6 classroom to have a meeting with the Grade 6 leaders of the school. 

His aim was to help the captains create a new acknowledgement of the country, personalising it to Jells Park. With his help we came up with a new acknowledgement for the school captains to say at assembly. Mark taught us some Indigenous words like bik (country) and ik (name) and their connection to the land. 

Michael Y & Rachel W