Principal's Report

Jells Park Primary School



Principal:                         Kevin Oakey






Assistant Principal:     Kellie Stewart









Assistant Principal:     Scott Zachariassen



Level 6 Community Event

Those with good memories might remember the massive BigFreeze Community Event run by the Level 6's a few years ago. Well, this years' Level 6 students are planning another huge event........

The Level 6 students have chosen to support a really important charity, Gotcha4Life  This organisation supports initiatives around youth mental health, a very important issue right now.

One event run by Gotcha4Life is their 24hr Row for Mental Fitness. The Level 6 students are going to replicate this by doing 4x6hr Row on Friday 6 October.

Please read the promotional flyer later in the newsletter in Community News about what is planned and how you can support their initiative. If you want to donate to their cause, click on Jells Park PS Rowers - Gotcha4Life 24 Hour Row 2023 search for Jells Park PS Rowers, donate on the right side of the page.

Performing Arts Showcase

We look forward to presenting this really important event to the school community next Wednesday, 9 October.

Hosted by our Art Captains, we will have over 25 individual and group performances, the first full showing of our Wakakirri presentation, our Level 4 & 5 Danceaerobics and our School Choir. 

This always proves to be an amazing showcase of student talent, so don't miss out on the evening. There will be food, drink and snack options available as well, so make it a family night of entertainment.

Parent Opinion Survey

This very important survey is out next week and I would ask all families to complete it. It is vitally important for us to hear from our 'clients' about what we do well and where we could improve. The Parent Opinion Survey (POS) is a critical assessment tool for the school and the Department.

Respectful Behaviours

At Jells Park PS we try to model respectful behaviours at all times, for the students to learn what is acceptable and what is not. RESPECT is one of our values.

We also ask parents to support this effort by also showing respectful behaviours around the school grounds, out in the street while parking and online with social media.

Please refer to the poster prepared by the Education Department that highlights expectations and log on to their website for valuable resources.

Buildings & Grounds

Not very glamorous, but we have had a tree removed by the basketball court, ready for repairs to the guttering and asphalt. We will also be having works done soon on the eaves and guttering of the ELC and some other works done on the drains around the building. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause to access around the buildings.

Student Stalls

Some parents may have noticed a number of Student Stalls popping up outside the canteen. There are a few important things to note here:

  • we are aware they are there
  • items are only allowed to be sold for charity, not for personal profit
  • we are trying to keep to one stall at a time
  • students are encouraged to have items for sale that are coins payments, so the prices are kept low.

I certainly do not want student initiative and community spirit to be stifled, however I will try to keep a little control of how many and how often there are stalls.




Kevin Oakey



Student wellbeing

A reminder the Thriving Kids and Parents School Project are running a series of online parenting seminars. These 3 session are evidence based and free, covering practical strategies to help your child manage their everyday worries, build healthy relationships and thrive. Please refer to the Community Events page in our newsletter for further information.


Have a lovely weekend.


Kellie Stewart

Assistant Principal