Religious Education

Towards the end of Term 2, Year 7 students learned all about “Literary Forms in the Bible” with each student being given their very own mini-Bible to take home. Students had plenty of fun whilst engaging in a Visual Skills Activity in order to strengthen knowledge and understanding of the books of the Bible. This term, the unit “Beliefs, Practice and Prayer”, has given students the opportunity to focus on types of prayer in expressing beliefs. Coming up soon, students will create their very own personal “creed” using the online graphics platform Canva to enhance their digital literacy.
Year 8 conducted a film study of “A Walk to Remember” during their Term 2 unit “The Church Spreads the Good News”. Here, students were able to make connections between the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit and contemporary issues. This term Year 8 has been participating in Workshop rotations for the “Images of God” Unit. These workshops have provided students with the chance to explore the different ways through which people experience God in the world, such as nature, relationships, vocations, music and art.
In Year 9 students enjoyed the unit “Living Simply” at the end of Term 2, where we explored the plight of human rights abuse around the world, and what the Catholic Church does to help people in need. This learning experience has given students a renewed sense of gratitude for what we have in our lives as we embark on studying the Gospel in our Term 3 unit, “The New Testament”.
Year 10 enjoyed researching and presenting to their classes about a Saint of their choosing in the unit “Mary and The Saints'' in Term 2. During Term 3 we are enhancing our critical thinking skills through our study of “Ethics for Life'' where we have been contemplating the Catholic teachings concerning human dignity and the gift of life.
Year 11 Studies of Religion students have been busy delving into their Religious Tradition Studies of Christianity, Judaism and Islam where they have learned all about the inner workings of these faiths including beliefs, ethics and practices. The origins and historical contexts have been explored, with students fascinated by the developmental links between these “Abrahamic traditions”.
Our students were grateful to receive a visit from our Administrator of Sacred Heart Parish, Kooringal, Fr. Bradley Rafter recently. Fr. Rafter shared his knowledge and guidance with Year 11Studies of Religion students around the Trinity and Interfaith Dialogue. Year 12 Studies in Catholic Thought students especially enjoyed talking with Fr. Rafter about their creative projects which bring to life the nature of God and the Trinity.
Finally, we wish our Year 12 Studies of Religion 1 and 2 students the best of luck as they commence their HSC Trial Exams this week. We have great faith in your ability as all your hard work comes to fruition. Year 12- Our thoughts and prayers are with you!
Mrs Rebecca Robins | Acting Religious Education KLA Leader