Principal's Address

Welcome back to Term 3. I hope that all our families enjoyed a relaxing holiday break. Semester 2 has well and truly begun. NAIDOC celebrations took place last week, with Year 7 enjoying traditional activities led by local community members. The very successful Year 9 STEM High Tea was held last Thursday at the Country Club and the Year 12 Trial HSC Examinations commenced on Monday. In addition, the well attended Year 11 2024 Subject Selection Information Night held last week offered students and families an excellent opportunity to hear about the HSC Course and the subjects that are on offer at Mater Dei.
As well, our beloved MDIFA is beginning and the Year 5 visits by our local Catholic primary schools are also taking place. As always, it is an action packed start to the new term.
Congratulations To Semester 1 Award Winners
Last Tuesday students who achieved outstanding academic results in Semester 1 were recognised. I would like to congratulate those students whose grades and efforts were acknowledged. At Mater Dei we place a high priority on strengthening student achievement and fostering a love of learning and engagement with each course of study. The follow ‘learning tips’, which I like to publish each year, capture the characteristics of successful learners:
- Successful students persist. They concentrate on the task and work on it until they have completed it successfully. They ask for help when they get stuck.
- Successful students have self-control. They act thoughtfully.
- Successful students listen with understanding. They are open to hearing another point of view.
- Successful students think flexibly. They are able to view a situation from many perspectives and their minds are open to change.
- Successful students use problem-solving and decision-making skills. They can make a plan, monitor their thinking, evaluate their progress and work out new ways to proceed and learn.
- Successful students strive for accuracy and precision. They know what level they need to reach and are not satisfied with sloppy work.
- Successful students ask questions. They are curious and seek evidence. They analyse ideas. They use lots of strategies to solve problems.
- Successful students think and communicate clearly and accurately, both in speech and in writing. They avoid dismissing new ideas.
- Successful students create, imagine and innovate. They look for different ideas and can think of original ideas of their own.
- Successful students respond with wonderment and awe. They are fascinated with the world around them and are open to discovering new things.
- Successful students co-operate. They know how to work together with others.
- Successful students are open to continual learning. They admit when they do not know something and are eager to find out. They are always growing and learning.
This is a time for all students to reflect on the achievements of Semester 1 and to make a recommitment to goals set earlier in the year. The Semester 1 Reports provide clear areas of focus for improving results in each course of study. Research shows that student learning outcomes are improved when parents and teachers work in partnership to support learning. We know that parents play a vital role in complementing and reinforcing classroom learning by encouraging their children to develop effective research, organisation skills and self-discipline and study habits.
Year 11 Enrolments for 2024
As mentioned previously, the Year 11 2024 Subject Selection Information Evening was well attended by students and parents alike. Enrolment interviews for new students to Year 11 next year are underway. They are scheduled now to ensure that incoming students have the opportunity to participate in the Year 11 Course Selection processes at the same time as our Year 10 students.
Prospective families for Year 11 are asked to contact the College as soon as possible to ensure that they are included in this process. There are limited places in some other year groups for 2024 and applications should be submitted now.
Prayers Please:
- Please keep in your prayers the families of Anne Smith and Carmen Buik, both retired foundation members of staff at the College who passed away recently.
- We also pray for Don Huckel, whose sister Jo passed away last week and Sue Bradley, the Manager of the Mount Erin Heritage Centre, whose husband Wayne died recently.
- We have a number of students who are unwell and I ask you to keep them in your prayers as well. Please also keep our much loved past student Gretta Leigh-Cooper, who is unwell in hospital, in your prayers.
- Year 12 students who are currently undertaking their Trial HSC exams.
Dear Lord,
We ask for your blessing on our school community as our Year 12 Students undertake their Trial HSC examinations. Grant our students confidence in their responses and replace any anxieties they may have with calmness and clarity of thought.
We pray that our students achieve their personal best so that they may have opportunities to pursue their gifts and interests which you O’ Lord have bestowed upon them.
Bless our students' homes with patience and tender support during this time.
Lord, bless the teachers and support staff who have given their hearts to you and work tirelessly to support our students.
It is through our vocation and work here at Mater Dei that thy will be done.
We ask this prayer through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
I am attending the Nagle Education Alliance of Australia (NEAA) Staff Conference with Mrs Bright and Mrs Fellows this week. This is a special opportunity for us to focus on the charism of Venerable Nano Nagle, whose spirit founded the Presentation Heritage Schools and our own Mater Dei. We pray with gratitude for Nano’s vision and commitment to fostering Catholic education in Ireland and for the Sisters in Wagga whose faith and love have shaped our own College.
Mrs Val Thomas | Principal