Secondary News

Year 11 Psychology
The year 11 psychology class have been studying social behaviour. Looking at obedience they joined the grade 2/3/4 class to investigate factors that make a person obey instructions. The year 11s made slime with the primary students and had two different conditions to their experiment. One with our “scientists” who dressed in lab coats, classes and held a clipboard and another who ran her group in her pyjamas and without much confidence and control of the group. We observed how the students in each group reacted to their “teachers” and how well they obey the given instructions.
Our results were very entertaining and we confirmed that a confident presence, professional attire and experience and knowledge on a topic go a long way when you want people to obey you!
Miss Coventry
Tahara Field and Game Shoot
"On the 7th of August Edenhope College took 8 students to Tahara for our first Field and Game Shooting Event. We left at 8am so we got to Tahara just in time with our dodgy old little bus. There was probably 120 people there and lots of people that are really good at shooting!
Eventually we started, first there was a clay that went along the ground like a rabbit, and it was really hard to shoot! Next there was a clay that started at the pine trees, and it went really high then it just came down. There was one that flew out sideways really fast, there was 2 that flew over your head, there was one that basically went straight up and down, then there was one that shot the clays towards you.
We had 2 rounds to try and shoot as many as we could, we had 31 shots including a practice. It was actually harder than I thought it was going to be. It was pretty hard to hit the clays. We have a clay thrower, and it is completely different to the clay thrower that the field and game had.
The winner of the clay shooting shot 28 clays out of 30! That is a lot of clays, well done to the winner.
I would like to say a huge thank you to Miss Munro for talking us to clay shooting. Thank you Dad for coming along as a helper cause we needed you. Thank you to the Coleraine Field and Game volunteers for putting on the day so we could go to the clay shooting and have some fun.
I hope that we can do more clay shooting events. Hopefully more people will come next time. We need more girls to do clay shooting! So girls, next clay shooting we are going to beat the boys!"
Chloe Dubois
"Clay target shooting
On Tuesday 8th of August, seven Edenhope College students attended their first clay shooting day at Tahara to compete against other schools from around the district. When we arrived, we signed in and were placed into two squads, squad 12 and squad 13. There were 21 squads in total. We watched the other squads compete to see what we were up against and to see how it all worked, as this was everyone’s first time. When it was our turn, we all collected our guns from the car and put our Edenhope College shooting vests on; we were proud to represent our school. We lined up and everyone was super excited and happy with their first results. We had lunch at the canteen and waited for our second round. We lined up for the second round and everyone was happy with their overall performance for their first-time clay shooting. We congratulated the winner and watch the shoot off for the boys over 15 champion. The overall day was super fun everyone had a blast. We can’t wait for next year!!!!!"
Josh Perks
Sport and Recreation
Last Thursday, Dash and Braithan ran a fishing session with some of the Senior students as part of their Sport and Recreation unit 'Plan and Conduct Programs'. After showing the students a brief PowerPoint on what fishing is and how to fish, students were shown how to put a lure on the line of their fishing rod. Students then went fishing, and 6 fish were caught in total by Josh, Dash, Braithan and of course, Mr Frost. These fish, on-top of fish caught by Mr Frost, Mr McClure and the Year 9/10 Advance class with Mr Brennan throughout the week contributed to a delicious lunch for the Year 12s!
Year 11
Year 11 students spent some time in the Foundation/1 classroom last week. Everyone had lots of fun in small groups reading lots of different stories together!
Secondary students are involved and enjoying daily trips to the farm to feed the five new calves which have arrived at the Ag Farm. Huge thanks to Mitchell Linto for transporting them to the College. Year 2/3/4 students are loving their Ag lessons especially when they include visits from Mrs Francis' dogs, Tucker, Dusty & Bernie.