From the Principal

Lisa Goldsworthy



Wow, Week 4 Term 3! There is a lot going on at Living Waters. We have completed our school cross country, had more visits to the nursing home for Foundation, and had the nursing home visit us for 100 days of school. We have played interschool sport and visited Yirara College for their 50th anniversary. We have children wrapping up their Children's University Study and the Nest is busy planning their camp. Next week is Science week (look out for activities!), Friday is our Book Week dress up day and during the following week our Book Week activities will be available each lunchtime. Horse riding continues on Fridays, and I saw a very excited and proud Roger tell his mum about trotting today and his buddy Jeremy tell him he did an amazing job. I don't know about you but I'm excited for the rest of the term. 


I have a few reminders for families. Please make sure your child's belongings are labelled so we can return them when they are misplaced. Similarly, when you are doing the washing could you check that your child has their own hat and jumper and if they have mistakenly picked up someone else's, please swap it back at school. We have a number of children missing labelled hats and jumpers, let's reunite them. 


We welcome two new educators to Living Waters this week. Mrs Hayley Parker worked with us prior to a break for maternity and study leave and has returned to work with our mid-year entry Foundation friends, and Ms Rebekah Dettmann has joined The Nest team to work in 5B. We are grateful that God has been listening to all those prayers from our supporters to fill our gaps and both ladies are truly a gift to our community. 


As always, we welcome volunteers in classrooms, for POTS activities and in the canteen. Any time you have would be welcome. We always have books to cover in the library and our garden crew would appreciate any green thumb help in their re-established gardens. 


Lastly, Lutheran Care came to speak to us at worship about a food drive they are running. Lutheran Care helps vulnerable families in times of need and operates when other services in town are unavailable. They are short on non-perishable goods and the SRC have asked that children bring non-perishable items in lieu of offerings for Wednesday Worship. Some examples are canned goods, cereal, long life milk, crackers, pasta etc. If every family brought one item per week, we would have over 150 items per week to donate. I'm setting a challenge: for every family that brings an item, their children can receive five Dojo points. Let's help Lutheran Care out with this project. 



Mrs Lisa Goldsworthy