Devotion, Prayer Families & Birthdays

This week in Worship 2B shared the account of Jesus feeding over 5000 people with only five loaves and two fish. This is one of the only miracles recorded in all four gospels. As well as showing us the power of God, it is also a powerful demonstration of his great love and the compassion he has for all people.
One of my favourite details is the way Jesus involved the disciples and the young boy who generously shared his food. God calls us to show love and compassion by being generous with what we have. This term we have the opportunity to do this in a very practical way, as we collect non-perishable food items for Lutheran Care’s emergency relief program. It is wonderful to see the growing collection of food at the top of the stairs in Reception!
for the fortnight beginning 11 August:
St Clair, Subhash, Sunish, Pareroultja, Tee, Terrana, Thomas, Tomlin, Turner, Vankadara
And staff:
Rebekah Clark, Tynan Dhanji, Sharreena Delaforce, Josie Ewin
Happy Birthday to the following students for the coming fortnight:
Gbemi Kuteyi, Mack Morton, Keerthana Subhash, Isaac Shaiju, Arizona Gurney,
Himmat Singh, Lyla Sanderson, Arya Porambo