Principal's Address

NAPLAN results for year 3, 5, 7 and 9

The 2023 National Assessment Program —Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) results are in. Each year, across Australia, students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 are assessed in their numeracy, reading, writing and conventions of language which includes spelling, grammar, and punctuation. 

Our students sat these assessments in March across 3-4 days and aside from Year 3 writing, all tests were completed online. As a result, these results are available to schools far quicker than in previous years and can assist teachers to address deficient areas more readily. NAPLAN online also uses tailored testing, which gives students questions better suited to their ability, resulting in more detailed individual assessment. Students in each year start with a similar set of questions. Depending on each student’s answer, the next set of questions may be easier or more difficult, giving students greater opportunity to demonstrate what they know.

For example: A student in year 3 will first attempt questions designed to assess their understanding of year 1 knowledge and processes. If answered correctly, the student will then be provided a question designed to assess their understanding of year 2 knowledge and processes and so on. If a student answers a question incorrectly, they will be provided an alternate question at the same level or from the previous year. This pattern then continues through each assessment and overall results are determined by the number correct and incorrect responses, and at what year level they were assessing.

Essentially, each student is on their own individual pathway of assessment and not all students will answer the same questions.


The NAPLAN results are displayed differently this year. Whilst there are similarities such as the black ‘dot’ (student result), black ‘triangle’ (national average), white ‘triangle’ (year group school average) and white ‘rectangle’ (achievement of the middle 60% of students in that year group in Australia), the proficiency levels are different to previous years.

The proficiency levels, shown ‘blue’ in the diagram below, are now:

  • Needs support
  • Developing
  • Strong
  • Exceeding

These proficient levels are explained in the diagram below.


Also included in the NAPLAN student reports in 2023 is a ‘centrefold’ section. This section includes a summary of the questions your child answered correctly, did not attempt or answered incorrectly. These questions are shown on a scale with the harder questions at the top of the page and the easier questions toward the bottom. These can be discussed at home and built into activities you participate in with your children in everyday life. 


If you have any questions regarding your child(ren)’s NAPLAN results, please contact the school to arrange appointment with Ms Trudy Mahoney - Instructional Leader, or myself.


It is also timely to remind parents and students that NAPLAN is a ‘snapshot’ in time assessment. Achievement of outcomes, as indicated in school reports, are the result of consistent observation and assessment through the semester and may be a more accurate reflection of their achievement.


Parent sessions – how to teach reading

Ms Mahoney and Mrs Harpley have finished completing reading ‘running records’ for all students in Years 1-6. These running records provide an accurate indication of student reading fluency and comprehension. As a result, revised guided reading groups have been established in all classes for semester 2.

A significant influence on the success of guided reading is having adults to listen to the students read and to guide them through self-correction. Therefore, Ms Mahoney is aiming to deliver parent information sessions on Monday evenings later in the term to upskill interested parents in the knowledge of how to teach reading. Parents can then use these skills at home with their children and will have the opportunity to volunteer in classrooms.

Watch this space for more information to come about parent sessions.


Mobile Phone Ban in Term 4 – Use of phone to order at the canteen

As you are aware, all Department of NSW public schools will ban student mobile phones at school in Term 4.

At Boorowa Central School, we will be refining our current ‘off and away’ policy during class times to include before and after school, during lunch and recess. Essentially it will be ‘off and away from gate to gate’. Additionally, the mobile phone ban will include excursions, off-site school activities and transport to and from school activities.

What I am seeking clarification on is the term ‘Students will still be able to carry their phones while travelling to and from school’ that is included in the current advice. 

Additionally, I will be speaking to the P and C regarding the impact of ordering from the canteen and payment with a mobile phone. I will be asking for their support to ban this also and together we can support students and families to move back to the use of debit cards or cash for payment.


Uniform Provider – YES

As you may be aware, Young Embroidery Services (YES) announced, in social media during the school break, that they will be closing at the end of August. YES is the supplier of Boorowa Central School’s school uniform.

YES assures me that they are working behind the scenes to find a solution for effected schools and their uniform supply. I will keep our school community informed if/when there are any changes.


Education Week next week

And finally, we are celebrating 175 years of Public Education next week with a variety of activities for all students.

Please join us for the Education Week assembly on Tuesday 1 August at 2pm



Mr Graham Jones - Principal